Faculty Publications

Sl.No. Name Title of the Paper Name of Journal / Vol. No / Issue No / Page Nos ISSN URL Academic Year
1 Aiswarya V R Expressive Writing: An Intervention to Enhance Emotional Regulation, Sleep Quality, and Self-Compassion in Competitive Exam Aspirants The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 13 / 1 / 1108 - 1120 2348-5396

2 Akhila C Contemporary Indian Way of ?Settling Down?: Emerging Adult?s Perspective International Journal of Adolescence and Youth / 29 / 1 / - 2164-4527

3 Aneesh Kumar P School alienation in online schooling scale (SAOSS): development of a measure to assess school alienation among students International Journal of School and Educational Psychology / / / 1 - 13 2168-3603

4 Aneesh Kumar P What has the pandemic aggravated? Views of school counsellors in India on the need for socio-emotional learning Journal Of Psychologists And Counsellors In Schools / 34 / 3 / 334 - 349 2055-6373

5 Aneesh Kumar P Development and validation of social entrepreneurship career decisions scale among higher education students Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship / 18 / 4 / 375 - 400 2398-7812

6 Aneesh Kumar P Environmental value development among preadolescents: a content analysis of reflective responses Reflective Practice / / / 1 - 15 1462-3943

7 Anjali Miriam Dey The Role of Gratitude as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Belief in a Just World and Forgiveness Among Middle-Aged Adults in India Pastoral Psychology / / / - 0031-2789

8 Anuradha S Meaningfulness and Experience of Perimenopausal Women During the Pandemic in India: A Mixed-Method Study Women Reproductive Health / 11 / 4 / 914 - 935 2329-3691

9 Anuradha S Need for Exploring Meta-emotion Philosophy to Comprehend Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder Annals of Indian psychiatry / 8 / 3 / 263 - 266 2588-8366

10 Anuradha S Challenging the dichotomy: Examining parent socialization goals and behaviors regarding positive affect in Bengaluru, India Journal of Research on Adolescence / 34 / 4 / 1653 - 1667 1532-7795

11 Anuradha S Meaning in Life in Menopause: A Narrative Literature Review on How Menopausal Women Make Sense of Their Life? Indian Journal of psychiatric nursing / 21 / 1 / 66 - 73 2666-528X

12 Anuradha S Tata Consultancy Services: Tackling Scandal in India Ivey Publishing / / / - NA

13 Anuradha S Innovative Leadership and Sustainable Development: Exploring Resource-Efficient Strategies Among Indian Managers Business Strategy and Development / 7 / 4 / - 2572-3170

14 Anuradha S I am lost in that reality, and I'm just playing the game: a qualitative study exploring gaming behaviour and its effect on young adults in India British Journal of Guidance and Counselling / 15 / 1 / - 0306-9885

15 Ashwini M I am lost in that reality, and I'm just playing the game: a qualitative study exploring gaming behaviour and its effect on young adults in India British Journal of Guidance and Counselling / 15 / 1 / - 0306-9885

16 Baiju Gopal From Dharma to Dialogue: A Scoping Review of Couple Interventions Based on Buddhist Wisdom Contemporary Family Therapy / 2 / 1 / 1 - 27 1573-3335

17 Baiju Gopal Beyond Binary: Exploring the Dynamics of Bi-Curiosity Propulsion and Persistence Among Young Women Journal of Bisexuality / 1 / 2 / 1 - 20 1529-9724

18 Baiju Gopal Training in Cultural Competence for Mental Health Care: A Mixed-Methods Study of Students, Faculty, and Practitioners from India and USA Culture,medicine and psychiatry - An International Journal of Cross-Cultural Health Research / / / - 0165-005X

19 Deepakkumar S Colorism and Usage of Makeup and its Effect on Self-esteem and Fear of Negative Appearance in Females Indian Journal of Health and Well-being / 15 / 2 / 230 - 235 2229-5356

20 Elizabeth Thomas Influence of Self-Compassion, Self-Reflection, and Insight on Interpersonal Competence in Emerging Adults Trends in Psychology / / / - 2358-1883

21 Elizabeth Thomas Training in Cultural Competence for Mental Health Care: A Mixed-Methods Study of Students, Faculty, and Practitioners from India and USA Culture,medicine and psychiatry - An International Journal of Cross-Cultural Health Research / / / - 0165-005X

22 Elizabeth Thomas Training in Cultural Competence for Mental Health Care: A Mixed-Methods Study of Students, Faculty, and Practitioners from India and USA Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry / / / - 0165-005X

23 Janis Maria Antony Spiritual Intelligence and Spiritual Care in Nursing Practice: A Bibliometric Review Indian Journal of Palliative care / 30 / 4 / 304 - 314 1998-3735

24 Jasmine Joseph Web-based single session therapy training for mental health support providers: a mixed-methods evaluation study protocol Discover Mental Health / / / - NA

25 Jayasankara Reddy K Social-cognitive Skills Training on Interpersonal Understanding of Social Norms During Adolescence Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / 1 / 1 / 1 - 29 0975-1564

26 Jayasankara Reddy K Theory of Mind as a Unifying Construct of Religious Cognition and Eudaimonic Well-Being Among Christian Adolescents. Journal of Dharma / 49 / 1 / 63 - 86 0253-7222

27 Jayasankara Reddy K Effect of Social Cognitive Skills Training (SCST) on Cognitive and Affective Theory of Mind in Adolescents Human Research in Rehabilitation / 14 / 2 / 274 - 283 2232-9935

28 Jayasankara Reddy K Psychoneuroimmunological Perspective of Animal - Assisted Therapy Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal / 7 / 3 / 1831 - 1837 0974-6242

29 Jayasankara Reddy K Exploring the Relationship between Environmental Cognition, Pro-Environmental Behavior, and Mental Health among Adolescents: A Narrative Review INDIAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH / 31 / 1 / 12 - 21 2248-9509

30 Jojo Chacko Eapen Emotional Intelligence and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Indian Students in the Context of Interstate Education The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies / 20 / 1 / - 2327-2554

31 Manjusha Warrier G Virtual leadership program for adolescents with muscular dystrophy: a process evaluation Social Work with Groups / / / 1 - 12 0160-9513

32 Manjusha Warrier G Neuropalliative Care Needs Checklist for Motor Neuron Disease and Parkinson?s Disease: A Biopsychosocial Approach Indian Journal of Palliative Care / 30 / 3 / 232 - 238 0973-1075

33 Meera S Neelakantan Effects of mindfulness-based strengths practice (MBSP) among women undergraduates in enhancing positive mental health British Journal of Guidance and Counselling / / / 1 - 23 0306-9885

34 Meera S Neelakantan Exploring the effectiveness of mindfulness-based intervention among college students in India Current Psychology / / / - 1046-1310

35 Meera S Neelakantan What has the pandemic aggravated? Views of school counsellors in India on the need for socio-emotional learning Journal Of Psychologists And Counsellors In Schools / 34 / 3 / 334 - 349 2055-6373

36 Miriam Priti Mohan Training in Cultural Competence for Mental Health Care: A Mixed-Methods Study of Students, Faculty, and Practitioners from India and USA Culture,medicine and psychiatry - An International Journal of Cross-Cultural Health Research / / / - 0165-005X

37 Miriam Priti Mohan Training in Cultural Competence for Mental Health Care: A Mixed-Methods Study of Students, Faculty, and Practitioners from India and USA Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry / / / - 0165-005X

38 Nisha James Lyrics of longing: Exploring the role of music in the lived experience of homesickness among college students Psychology of Music / / / - 0305-7356

39 Padmakumari P Training in Cultural Competence for Mental Health Care: A Mixed-Methods Study of Students, Faculty, and Practitioners from India and USA Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry / / / - 0165-005X

40 Padmakumari P Training in Cultural Competence for Mental Health Care: A Mixed-Methods Study of Students, Faculty, and Practitioners from India and USA Culture,medicine and psychiatry - An International Journal of Cross-Cultural Health Research / / / - 0165-005X

41 Rituparna Chakraborty Contemporary Indian Way of ?Settling Down?: Emerging Adult?s Perspective International Journal of Adolescence and Youth / 29 / 1 / - 2164-4527

42 Santhosh K R Finding balance in a digital world: Equanimity as a predictor of nomophobia Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment / / / 1 - 11 1540-3556

43 Santhosh K R Effectiveness of Couple Interventions in Marital Distress: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Iranian Journal of Public Health / 54 / 1 / 112 - 123 2251-6085

44 Santhosh K R Interaction of Generational Differences with Gender and Residential Nature in Attitudes Toward Interfaith Marriages Marriage and Family Review / 60 / 8 / 597 - 614 0149-4929

45 Santhosh K R Web-based single session therapy training for mental health support providers: a mixed-methods evaluation study protocol Discover Mental Health / / / - NA

46 Sreenath K Endurance and Evolution: Exploring Levels of Resilience Among Indian Breast Cancer Survivors Illness, Crisis and Loss / / / 1 - 31 1054-1373

47 Sreenath K Parental Perspectives on Stress and Challenges in Raising Autistic Children: A Meta-Synthesis Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health / / / 1 - 17 2198-963X

48 Sudhesh N T Web-based single session therapy training for mental health support providers: a mixed-methods evaluation study protocol Discover Mental Health / / / - NA

49 Sudhesh N T Peers, Parents and Families as agents of influence on adolescents? perspectives towards people with Mental Health Problems: Mental Health Professionals? Views Journal of Public Mental Health / / / - 1746-5729

50 Sudhesh N T Mental health professionals? insights on developing and implementing a Mental Health Awareness and Destigmatisation program (MHAD) for adolescents Social Work in Mental Health / / / - 1533-2993

51 Surekha C Air Quality Index, Personality Traits and Their Impact on the Residential Satisfaction and Quality of Life: An Exploratory Path Analysis Model Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution / 21 / 4 / 39 - 46 0972-9860

52 Uma Krishnan Role of Adolescent Egocentrism in Exposing Antisocial Personality Traits Among Children in Conflict with Law The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 12 / 4 / 2762 - 2778 2348-5396

53 Uma Krishnan Web-based single session therapy training for mental health support providers: a mixed-methods evaluation study protocol Discover Mental Health / / / - NA

54 Varghese K J Expanding the Notion of Personal Well-Being During COVID-19 Campus Closure in India: Results from a Mixed-Methods Study with Members of Higher Education Asia Pacific Journal Of Educators And Education / 39 / / 1 - 23 NA

55 Varghese K J Effectiveness of Couple Interventions in Marital Distress: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Iranian Journal of Public Health / 54 / 1 / 112 - 123 2251-6085

56 Veenashree Lyrics of longing: Exploring the role of music in the lived experience of homesickness among college students Psychology of Music / / / - 0305-7356

57 Vijaya R Mapping the literature on school bullying in India: A scoping review Aggression and Violent Behavior / / / - 1359-1789

58 Aditi Ashok Arur Exploring How Gender and Culture Shape the Lived Experiences of Indian Clients with Emotional Abuse: A Social Justice Approach to Counselling International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling / / / - 1573-3246

59 Aditi Ashok Arur Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Academic Motivation Among College Students in Bangalore: A Correlational Study. International Journal of Indian Psychology / / / - 2349-3429

60 Aiswarya V R Exploration of Colour Association to Emotional Recognition Amidst Auditory Stimulus on Congenitally Blind Individuals. Third Concept: An International Journal of Idea / 37 / 441 / 118 - 123 0970-7247

61 Aiswarya V R Going Beyond the Screen - Exploring Para-social Relationships with Anime Characters amongst the Anime Community International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research / 6 / 2 / - 2582-2160

62 Aiswarya V R The Relationship Between Anxiety and Maladaptive Daydreaming in Nursing Students: A Correlational Study International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research / 6 / 2 / - 2582-2160

63 Aiswarya V R Parental Expectations and Fear of Negative Evaluation Among Indian Emerging Adults: The Mediating Role of Maladaptive Perfectionism Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / / / 1 - 9 0253-7176

64 Akanksha Rani Narrative Therapy with Dalit Female Survivors of Violence Violence and Gender / 11 / 1 / 53 - 57 2326-7836

65 Akanksha Rani Profiles of Victimized Outpatients with Severe Mental Illness in India https://journals.lww.com/ijcm/pages/default.aspx / 48 / 6 / 920 - 925 0970-0218

66 Akanksha Rani Narrative Therapy with Dalit Female Survivors of Violence Violence and Gender / 11 / 1 / 53 - 57 2326-7836

67 Amreen Shaik A Normative Study Assessing the Factorial Validity of the PERMA Profiler in Indian Emerging Adult Women Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour / / / 167 - 174 0971-8990

68 Aneesh Kumar P Impact of Abuse on Mental Health and Happiness Among Students: Mediating Role of Family Environment Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health / 19 / 3 / 266 - 272 0973-1342

69 Aneesh Kumar P Social entrepreneurial opportunity recognition among higher education students: scale development and validation Social Enterprise Journal / / / - 1750-8614

70 Aneesh Kumar P A mixed-methods study of training in evidence-based practice in psychology among students, faculty, and practitioners in India and the United States Professional Psychology: Research and Practice / / / - 0735-7028

71 Aneesh Kumar P The effect of an environmental education program based on empathy and reflective thinking on preadolescents? environmental values and knowledge International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education / / / - 1038-2046

72 Anjali Miriam Dey Actual and expected roles of school counsellors: exploring multiple perspectives of stakeholders in South India Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy / 14 / / 1 - 15 2150-7708

73 Anuradha S Exploring the Experiences of Parental Cancer among Young Adults International Journal of Social Science and Humanity / 13 / 6 / 376 - 379 2010-3646

74 Anuradha S Exploring Ayurvedic Practitioners' Understanding of Psychosomatic Disorders and its Treatment The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 12 / 1 / 585 - 596 2348-5396

75 Anuradha S Jugaad in organizational settings: exploring the Jugaad leadership competencies Asian Business and Management / / / - 1472-4782

76 Anuradha S Work-Cognition and Subjective Well-being Among Female Professional Educators During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Moderating Role of Resilience Business Perspectives and Research / / / - 2278-5337

77 Anurekha T K Influence of Mindfulness on Game Addiction-Mediating Role of Emotional Control Psychological Reports / / / - 0033-2941

78 Ashwini M Work-Cognition and Subjective Well-being Among Female Professional Educators During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Moderating Role of Resilience Business Perspectives and Research / / / - 2278-5337

79 Baiju Gopal Facilitating Faculty Development for Training in Multicultural Competence in Health Service Psychology Graduate Programs Through an International Collaboration International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation / 13 / 1 / 24 - 39 2157-3883

80 Baiju Gopal Experience of psychic restructuring among refugees in the context of life in refuge Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy / 20 / 1 / 1 - 20 0266-8734

81 Baiju Gopal Parental Attachment, Perceived Parental-Partner Similarity, and Relationship Satisfaction among Indian Emerging Adults Psychological Studies / 69 / 2 / 194-211 - 194-211 0033-2968

82 Baiju Gopal Is my culture influencing me: Client experiences of mental illness and psychotherapy in a transitional Indian culture Culture and psychology / 0 / 0 / 1 - 25 1461-7056

83 Baiju Gopal A mixed-methods study of training in evidence-based practice in psychology among students, faculty, and practitioners in India and the United States Professional Psychology: Research and Practice / / / - 0735-7028

84 Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett A Scoping Review on Integration of Electroencephalogram Neurofeedback Training for Alcohol Use Disorder: Clinical and Neurocognitive Outcomes Neuroregulation / 10 / 3 / 179 - 185 2373-0587

85 Deepakkumar S Personal resources associated with resilience to COVID-19 challenges among emerging adults in India Indian Journal of Positive Psychology / 14 / 2 / 130 - 137 2321-368X, 2229-4937

86 Divya Ballal Clinical Observations of Online EMDR: The Imperative for Research on Bilateral Stimulation Techniques Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / / / - 0253-7176

87 Divya Ballal Protective effect of bilingualism on aging, MCI, and dementia: A community-based study Alzheimer's & Dementia / 20 / 4 / 2620 - 2631 1552-5260

88 Elizabeth Thomas Is my culture influencing me: Client experiences of mental illness and psychotherapy in a transitional Indian culture Culture and psychology / 0 / 0 / 1 - 25 1461-7056

89 Elizabeth Thomas Actual and expected roles of school counsellors: exploring multiple perspectives of stakeholders in South India Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy / 14 / / 1 - 15 2150-7708

90 Hema M A Understanding Peer Victimisation and Related Coping Strategies Among Young Adults Human Arenas / / / 1 - 14 2522-5804

91 Jayasankara Reddy K The Eff ect of Music and Editing Style on Subjective Perception of Time When Watching Videos An Eye-tracking Study Projections The Journal for Movies and Mind / 17 / 2 / 41 - 62 1934-9688

92 Jayasankara Reddy K Relationship of Emotional Intelligence and Burnout among MBBS Doctors of Himachal Pradesh Indian Journal Of Psychological Science / 15 / 1 / 26 - 36 0976-9218

93 Jayasankara Reddy K Neuro-biological background of social cognitive development in adolescence IP Indian Journal of Neurosciences / 9 / 3 / 118 - 121 2581-8236

94 Jayasankara Reddy K The Effect of Music and Editing Style on Subjective Perception of Time When Watching Videos : An Eye-tracking Study Projections The Journal for Movies and Mind / 17 / 2 / 41 - 61 1934-9696

95 Jayasankara Reddy K Exploring the Relationship between Environmental Cognition, Pro-Environmental Behavior, and Mental Health among Adolescents: A Narrative Review Indian Journal of Community Health / 36 / 1 / 12 - 21 2248-9509

96 Jayasankara Reddy K A mixed-methods study of training in evidence-based practice in psychology among students, faculty, and practitioners in India and the United States Professional Psychology: Research and Practice / / / - 0735-7028

97 Jojo Chacko Eapen Stress mindset as a mediator between self-efficacy and coping styles Cogent Psychology / / / - 2331-1908

98 Madhavi Rangaswamy Comparing Influence of Depression and Negative Affect on Decision Making Psychological Studies / 68 / 3 / 310 - 318 0033-2968

99 Madhavi Rangaswamy Prospective memory in early and established psychosis: An Indian perspective Journal of Neuropsychology / 17 / 3 / 461 - 476 1748-6645

100 Madhavi Rangaswamy A mixed-methods study of training in evidence-based practice in psychology among students, faculty, and practitioners in India and the United States Professional Psychology: Research and Practice / / / - 0735-7028

101 Maharishi R An Investigation of the Effects of Chronic Stress on Attention in Parents of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders Universal Journal of Public Health / 12 / 1 / 37 - 50 2331-8880

102 Manjusha Warrier G Telehealth Services for an Adolescent with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) During the COVID-19 Pandemic Australian Journal of Social Work / / / - https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rasw20?src=pd

103 Manjusha Warrier G Buffer zones in Wayanad: A social constructivist exploration into farmers? mental health Culture & Psychology / / / - https://journals.sagepub.com/home/cap

104 Meera S Neelakantan Character Strengths Interventions In Higher Education Students: A Literature Review Hellenic Journal of Psychology / 1 / 21 / 67 - 97 2732-7027

105 Meera S Neelakantan Mindfulness-based strengths practice: a conceptual framework and empirical review of the literature International Journal of Mental Health / / / 1 - 36 1557-9328

106 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Editorial: Oxidative stress and neuroinflammatory responses associated with metal toxicity in brain disorders Frontiers in Neurology / 14 / / - 1664-2295

107 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Biopolymers as promising vehicles for drug delivery to the brain Drug Metabolism Reviews / / / - 0360-2532, 1097-9883

108 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Enhanced levels of fractalkine and HSP60 in cerebrospinal fluid of sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients International Journal of Neuroscience / / / 1 - 11 0020-7454

109 Padmakumari P Forgiving Behavior among Emerging Adults: The Influence of Religiosity and Spirituality and Personality Traits Child & Youth Services / / / 1 - 22 1545-2298

110 Padmakumari P Gratitude and Life satisfaction among Indian Adults:The Mediating Role of Affect Hellenic Journal of Psychology / 20 / 3 / 298 - 317 2732-7027

111 Padmakumari P Is my culture influencing me: Client experiences of mental illness and psychotherapy in a transitional Indian culture Culture and psychology / 0 / 0 / 1 - 25 1461-7056

112 Prakash P Effect of Subtitles on Gaze Behavior during Shot Changes: An Eye-tracking Study International Journal of Psychological Research / 16 / 2 / 4 - 2011-2084

113 Prakash P Editorial: Methods and applications in cognitive science Frontiers in Psychology / / / - 1664-1078

114 Priyadarshini M S Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior: new mediating roles for trustworthiness and trust in team leaders Current Psychology / / / 1 - 16 1046-1310, 1936-4733

115 Rituparna Chakraborty Coping and Cyberchondria in a Pandemic: A Study on Young Adults Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour / 28 / 1 / 95 - 99 0971-8990

116 Rituparna Chakraborty Expectations Of University Lecturers And Students On Smart Learning Environments Problems of education in the 21st Century / 81 / 4 / 501 - 516 2538-7111

117 Rituparna Chakraborty Unheard and Unseen: Exploring the Disenfranchisement of Perinatal Loss in North-Indian Men The Journal of Men's Studies / / / - 1933-0251

118 Santhosh K R Stress and resilience in British Indian parents with an autistic child: a comparative study with white British and Indian parents Advances in Autism / 9 / 3 / 279 - 292 2056-3868

119 Santhosh K R Process of Emotion Regulation in Indian Couples During Gottman's Dreams-Within-Conflict Intervention: A Mixed-Methods Design Study Contemporary Family Therapy / / / 1 - 27 0892-2764

120 Santhosh K R Discrimination Experiences of Old Settlers in Sikkim: A Qualitative Exploration Psychological Studies / 2023 / / 1 - 15 0974-9861

121 Santhosh K R Psychological experiences and travel Adversities: A Mixed-Method study of the regular commuters in traffic congestion Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour / 101 / / 130 - 141 1369-8478

122 Santhosh K R Evolution of Single-Session Therapy: A Bibliometric Analysis American Journal of Psychotherapy / 77 / 2 / 71 - 78 0002-9564

123 Santhosh K R You are not Sikkimese enough?: Understanding collective action tendencies of old settlers in Sikkim using SIMCA Asian Journal of Social Psychology / / / - 1467-839X

124 Santhosh K R Coping and Cyberchondria in a Pandemic: A Study on Young Adults Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour / 28 / 1 / 95 - 99 0971-8990

125 Santhosh K R Mathematical Modelling of Traffic Behaviour Mapana Journal of Sciences / 22 / 3 / 159 - 164 0975-3303

126 Santhosh K R Efficacy of in-person versus digital mental health interventions for postpartum depression: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology / / / 1 - 21 1469-672X

127 Santhosh K R Scope of a Signature Strengths Intervention in Improving the Mental Health of Low-income Indian Emerging Adult Women: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour / / / - 2543-1897

128 Santhosh K R A Normative Study Assessing the Factorial Validity of the PERMA Profiler in Indian Emerging Adult Women Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour / / / 167 - 174 0971-8990

129 Santhosh K R Parental Expectations and Fear of Negative Evaluation Among Indian Emerging Adults: The Mediating Role of Maladaptive Perfectionism Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / / / 1 - 9 0253-7176

130 Sreenath K Efficacy of in-person versus digital mental health interventions for postpartum depression: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology / / / 1 - 21 1469-672X

131 Sreenath K Belongingness to the family during the transition into motherhood in Bangalore, India: a practical theological reflection with recommendations for support within the church in Bangalore Practical Theology / / / 1 - 13 1756-073X

132 Sreenath K Quality of life of children and adolescents living with HIV in India: a systematic review and meta-analysis Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies / / / 1 - 22 1745-0136

133 Sudhesh N T Academic Stress, Social Support, and Adjustment Among International Students in India Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education / / / - 2151-0407

134 Sudhesh N T Quality of life of children and adolescents living with HIV in India: a systematic review and meta-analysis Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies / / / 1 - 22 1745-0136

135 Sudhesh N T Travails of New Mothers Returning to Work in Corporate India: A Phenomenological Study The Journal of International Women?s Studies / / / - 1539-8706

136 Surekha C Mandala coloring for children with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder- a case series Community Practitioner / 20 / 11 / 9 - 15 1462-2815

137 Surekha C The role of guilt-shame proneness and locus of control in predicting moral injury among healthcare professionals Cogent Psychology / 10 / 1 / - 2331-1908

138 Surekha C Is Digital Altruism the Same as Offline Altruism?: An Exploration of Strength-Based Determinants Among Generation Z during COVID-19 Pandemic Internet Journal Of Allied Health Sciences And Practice / 22 / 1 / - 1540-580X

139 Surekha C Effects of a Mindfulness-based Intervention on Well-being Among Rural Adolescents with Academic Anxiety Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health / 19 / 4 / 385 - 393 0973-1342

140 Surekha C Efficacy of Mandala Coloring Intervention on Executive Functioning and Emotional & Motivational Self-Regulation Among Children With Symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Cureus Journal Of Medical Science / 15 / 10 / - 2168-8184

141 Tony Sam George Facilitating Faculty Development for Training in Multicultural Competence in Health Service Psychology Graduate Programs Through an International Collaboration International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation / 13 / 1 / 24 - 39 2157-3883

142 Uma Krishnan ?Frauds? In the Classroom: The Prevalence and Relationship between Impostor Phenomenon, Academic Motivation and Study Engagement among Indian College Students The International Journal of Indian Psychology / / 3 / 2253 - 2267 2348-5396

143 Varghese K J Facilitating Faculty Development for Training in Multicultural Competence in Health Service Psychology Graduate Programs Through an International Collaboration International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation / 13 / 1 / 24 - 39 2157-3883

144 Vijaya R Survey Data on Bullying Involvement among School-going Adolescents in India Data in Brief / 52 / 110061 / - 2352-3409

145 Vijaya R Unpacking the Past and Charting the Future: A Comprehensive Review of Organizational Development Trends and Predictions USHUS- Journal of Business Management / / / - 0975-3311

146 Vijayapriya C V Effectiveness of Internet-delivered Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training on Executive Functions among College Students with Borderline Personality Traits: A Non-randomized Controlled Trial Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome / 26 / 3 / - 2499-7552, 2239-8031

147 Viju P D A mixed-methods study of training in evidence-based practice in psychology among students, faculty, and practitioners in India and the United States Professional Psychology: Research and Practice / / / - 0735-7028

148 Aditi Ashok Arur Xenophobic Attitudes And Representations In Social Media During Covid-19 Pandemic In India Revista Conhecimento Online / / / - 2176-8501

149 Aiswarya V R Experience of Academic Anxiety Among Higher Secondary Students in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic International Journal of Education and Psychological Research (IJEPR) / 11 / 3 / 20 - 26 2279 - 0179

150 Aiswarya V R Greater Frequency of Pornography Consumption is Associated with Decreased Self-Esteem and Increased Body Image Issues in Indian Cisgender Men The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 10 / 4 / 36 - 44 2348-5396

151 Akanksha Rani Prevalence and Impact of Abuse Experienced by Persons with Severe Mental Illness: A Systematic Review Violence and Gender / Not given / Not given / 1 - 17 2326-7836

152 Akanksha Rani A Qualitative Study to Understand the Nature of Abuse Experienced by Persons with Severe Mental Illness Violence and Gender / 10 / 1 / 45 - 56 2326-7836

153 Ammu Elizabeth Alexander Determinants of Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer: A Determinants of Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review Journal of International Women studies / 24 / 3 / 1 - 17 1539-8706

154 Ammu Elizabeth Alexander Impact Of Parental Overprotection On Emotional Intelligence Among Young Adults Indian Journal of Psychological Science / 14 / 1 / 36 - 51 0976 9218

155 Ammu Elizabeth Alexander Quality of Life among caregivers of children with ASD Perspectives in Social Work / 37 / 2 / 74 - 0974-5114

156 Ammu Elizabeth Alexander Role of Emotional Intelligence Training on Quality of Life and Functional Independence in women with Breast Cancer: A Case Repor The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 10 / 4 / 941 - 950 2348-5396

157 Aneesh Kumar P Student Subjective Wellbeing amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic in Iran: Role of Loneliness, Resilience and Parental Involvement Child Indicator Research / 14 / 4 / - 1874-897X, 1874-8988

158 Aneesh Kumar P Sexual health and safety of adolescents with intellectual disability: Challenges and concerns among special educators in India Journal of Intellectual Disabilities / / / - 1744-6309

159 Aneesh Kumar P Mediating role of self-concept on character strengths and well-being among adolescents with specific learning disorder in India Research in Developmental Disabilities / 132 / / 1 - 12 1873-3379

160 Aneesh Kumar P The role of classroom engagement on academic grit, intolerance to uncertainty and well-being among school students during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in India Psychology in the schools / / / 1 - 15 1520-6807

161 Anita Rao Mysore Exploring education majors' multicultural attitudes through an ESL service-learning experience. ArATE Electronic Journal / 12 / 1 / 2 - 19 1083-6489

162 Anupama S Relationship between Self-concept and Job Performance Among Indian Employees International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews / / 4 / - 267 2582-7421

163 Anuradha S A longitudinal examination of the relation between academic stress and anxiety symptoms among adolescents in India: The role of physiological hyperarousal and social acceptance International Journal of Psychology / 57 / 3 / 401 - 410 1464-066X

164 Anuradha S Need for mindfulness-based relapse prevention strategies for postpartum smoking relapse prevention Indian Journal of Public Health / 66 / 3 / 334 - 336 2229-7693

165 Anuradha S Cognitive and biological challenges of menopausal women in India Life Research / 5 / 3 / 1 - 8 0962-9343

166 Anuradha S How could Mindfulness Help? A Perspective on the Applications of Mindfulness in Enhancing Tomorrow's Workplace i managers journal on management / 16 / 3 / 52 - 68 0973-5054

167 Anuradha S Predictors of Employee Displayed Altruism and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Amidst the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic The International Journal of Indian Psychology, / 10 / 2 / 1410 - 1422 2349-3429

168 Anuradha S Occupational, environmental and psychosocial factors impacting reproductivehealth of women working in manufacturing sector in India: a systematic review Life Research / 6 / 2 / 1 - 9 0962-9343

169 Anuradha S How Perimenopause Shaped Perspectives On Life During The Pandemic: A Study On India's Working And Non-Working Women i managers journal on nursing / 12 / 3 / 16 - 27 2231-4504

170 Anurekha T K Aggression As A Predictor Of General Well-Being Among Public Health Workers Asia-Pacific Journal of Health Management / 17 / 2 / 58 - 65 2204-3136

171 Arya Nair Decolonising Caste in the Indian Context: The Psyche of the Oppressor Psychology and Developing Societies / 35 / 1 / - 0971-3336

172 Bhuvana Manohari N Psychological Well-Being of School Teachers: Predictive Role of Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices / 12 / 2 / 242 - 262 2319-1945, 0976-8203

173 Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett Temperament Styles And Problem Behaviors Among Adolescent Juvenile Delinquents INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT SCIENCE / 12 / 3 / 14 - 29 2250-1770

174 Divya Dosaya Gender differential in chronic diseases among older adults in India: Does living arrangement has a role to play? Aging and Health Research / 2 / / - 1552-6887

175 Elizabeth Thomas The effect of hopeful lyrics on levels of hopelessness among college students Current Psychology / 42 / 25 / 21648 - 21658 1936-4733

176 Elizabeth Thomas Interparental Conflict and Young Adult Romantic Relationships: A Systematic Review Trauma, Violence & Abuse / 24 / 4 / 2630 - 2647 1524-8380

177 Elizabeth Thomas Mental Health Problems among College Students in India during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Context of Disruptions in Academics and Interpersonal Relationships Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology / 12 / 2 / - 1927-0526

178 Elizabeth Thomas Videoconferencing-delivered psychological intervention for the treatment of COVID-19 related psychological distress in University students: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial in India. BMC Psychiatry / 22 / 808 / 1 - 8 1471-244X

179 Hema M A Social Identity of Kodavas Understanding Evolution and Transitions The Indian Journal of Social Work / 84 / 2 / 203 - 222 0019-5634

180 Hemangi Narayan Narvekar Animal‑Assisted Therapy for the Promotion of Social Competence: a Conceptual Framework Human Arenas / / / - 2522-5790

181 Jayasankara Reddy K Family functioning in psychogenic nonepileptic seizures: Qualitative study Annals of Indian Psychiatry / / / - 2588-8366

182 Jayasankara Reddy K Psychological Well-Being of School Teachers: Predictive Role of Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices / 12 / 1 / 242 - 262 0976-8203, 2319-1945

183 Jayasankara Reddy K Impact of Animal-Assisted Therapy on Depression, Memory, Attention, and Emotion Regulation Human Research in Rehabilitation / 13 / 1 / - 2232-996X

184 Jayasankara Reddy K Psychological Well-Being of School Teachers: Predictive Role of Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices / 12 / 2 / 242 - 262 2319-1945, 0976-8203

185 Jesline Rose Joshy What Contributes to COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy? A Systematic Review of the Psychological Factors Associated with COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Vaccines / / / - 2076-393X

186 Jojo Chacko Eapen Does Cultural Intelligence & Emotional Intelligence Differ by Region in India? A Comparative Study Cultural-Historical Psychology / / / - 1816-5435

187 Jojo Chacko Eapen Personality Traits and Resilience of People with Bereaved Experiences Due to COVID-19: Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy Illness, Crisis & Loss / 32 / 4 / - 1552-6968

188 Jojo Chacko Eapen Proactive coping and social-emotional adjustment among students with and without learning disabilities in Kerala, India Frontiers in Psychology / / / - 1664-1078

189 Jojo Chacko Eapen Personality traits associated with Internet addiction among college students in South India Cogent Education / / / - 2331-186X

190 Madhavi Rangaswamy A Review of Historical Context and Current Research on Cannabis Use in India Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / 45 / 2 / 105 - 116 0253-7176

191 Madhavi Rangaswamy Growth trajectories for executive and social cognitive abilities in an Indian population sample: Impact of demographic and psychosocial determinants Asian Journal of Psychiatry / 82 / / 103475 - 103475 1876-2026

192 Meera S Neelakantan The role of classroom engagement on academic grit, intolerance to uncertainty and well-being among school students during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in India Psychology in the schools / / / 1 - 15 1520-6807

193 Mythri Rajeswara Babu High-affinity binding of celastrol to monomeric α-synuclein mitigates in vitro aggregation Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics / / / - 0739-1102

194 Ngaitlang Mary Tariang Family Factors Associated with Problematic Use of the Internet in Children: A Scoping Review Indian journal of psychological medicine / 44 / 4 / 341 - 348 0975-1564

195 Nisha James Altruism, Gratitude and Hope among Young Adults in India Indian Journal of Positive Psychology / 14 / 2 / 113-118 - 2321-368X

196 Padmakumari P Experience of Academic Anxiety Among Higher Secondary Students in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic International Journal of Education and Psychological Research (IJEPR) / 11 / 3 / 20 - 26 2279 - 0179

197 Padmakumari P Quality of Life among caregivers of children with ASD Perspectives in Social Work / 37 / 2 / 74 - 0974-5114

198 Prakash P Perceptual span in reading Aksharic Kannada Reading and Writing / 36 / / 2499 - 2521 0922-4777

199 Rituparna Chakraborty Xenophobic Attitudes And Representations In Social Media During Covid-19 Pandemic In India Revista Conhecimento Online / / / - 2176-8501

200 Rituparna Chakraborty Camouflaged Protocols of Womanhood: Inherent Paradoxes of Bengal Psychological Studies / 67 / 4 / 488 - 500 0033-2968, 0974-9861

201 Rituparna Chakraborty Factors Affecting Data-Privacy Protection and Promotion of Safe Digital Usage CEUR Workshop Proceedings / 3094 / / 49 - 58 1613-0073

202 Santhosh K R Solution Focused vs Problem Focused Questions on Affect and Processing Speed among Individuals with Depression Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy / 2022 / / 1 - 7 1573-3564

203 Santhosh K R Perceived Discrimination and Happiness Among Tribal Unmarried Mothers Psychological Studies / 2022 / / 1 - 7 0033-2968

204 Santhosh K R Perceived discrimination of old settlers in Sikkim Changing Societies and Personalities / 6 / 3 / 677 - 691 2587-8964

205 Santhosh K R Duncan McDuie-Ra (2015). Debating Race in Contemporary India. Palgrave Macmillan Changing Societies and Personalities / 6 / 4 / 984 - 987 2587-8964

206 Santhosh K R Development and Psychometric Validation of Teachers? Receptivity to Change Scale Asia-Pacific Education Researcher / / / - 0119-5646, 2243-7908

207 Sudhesh N T Efficacy of a Video Modeling and Imagery-Controlled Trial Intervention in a Non-Western Adolescent Population: A Case Study Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology / 6 / S1 / 24 - 37 2470-4857

208 Sudhesh N T Perfectionism and self-compassion among emerging adults: The role of disciplining experiences Current Psychology / / / - 1046-1310, 1936-4733

209 Sudhesh N T Development and Psychometric Validation of Teachers? Receptivity to Change Scale Asia-Pacific Education Researcher / / / - 0119-5646, 2243-7908

210 Surekha C Antecedents and Consequences of Grit Among Working Adults: A Transpersonal Psychology Perspective Frontiers in Psychology / / / - 1664-1078

211 Surekha C Young Adult?s Consumption Patterns and Attitude towards Minimalist Lifestyle during COVID-19 Pandemic- An Exploratory Study Youth Voice Journal / 12 / / - 2056-2969

212 Surekha C Exploring perspectives on risks to mental health problems in adolescents: A dual method approach Youth Voice Journal / / / - 2056-2969

213 Surekha C Psychometric Properties of the Moral Injury Symptom Scale Among Indian Healthcare Professionals Psychology Research and Behavior Management / 16 / / 439 - 444 1179-1578

214 Tony Sam George Videoconferencing-delivered psychological intervention for the treatment of COVID-19 related psychological distress in University students: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial in India. BMC Psychiatry / 22 / 808 / 1 - 8 1471-244X

215 Tony Sam George Using Behavioural Economics to Analyse and Enhance Contraception Usage Decisions Journal of Health Management / 24 / 4 / 1 - 14 0972-0634

216 Tony Sam George Examining the Relationship between Academic Expectations and Suicidal Ideation among College Students in India Using the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide Archives of Suicidal Behaviour / NA / NA / 1 - 15 1543-6136

217 Tony Sam George The Universal Dimensions of Change: A Systematic Review of Couple Techniques Contemporary Family Therapy / NA / NA / - 0892-2764

218 Tony Sam George Mindsets Of The Teachers In The Genesis Of Career Identity Among Teachers In Higher Education Education and Society / 45 / 4 / 221 - 227 2278-6864

219 Vijaya R Winning battles with a joke: a qualitative inquiry of humour in the Indian Army European Journal of Humour Research / 11 / 1 / 27 - 45 2307-700X

220 Viju P D Young Adult?s Consumption Patterns and Attitude towards Minimalist Lifestyle during COVID-19 Pandemic- An Exploratory Study Youth Voice Journal / 12 / / - 2056-2969

221 Viju P D Exploring perspectives on risks to mental health problems in adolescents: A dual method approach Youth Voice Journal / / / - 2056-2969

222 Aditi Ashok Arur When Silent Actors Talk: Bodies as Learning Infrastructure in the Post-Pandemic World Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 20 / 1 / 17 - 38 0975-329X

223 Akanksha Rani Women With Severe Mental Illness and Marital Rape Partner Abuse / 13 / 1 / 1 - 17 1946-6560

224 Akanksha Rani Lived Experiences of Persons with Chronic Schizophrenia Living in the Community Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / XX / 0 / 1 - 9 0253-7176

225 Ammu Elizabeth Alexander Impact of Parental Overprotection on Emotional Intelligence among Young Adults Indian Journal of Psychological Science / 14 / 1 / 36 - 51 0976-9218

226 Aneesh Kumar P Exploring novice Indian school counsellors experiences collaborating with teachers and administrators Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools / / / 1 - 15 2055-6365, 2055-6373

227 Aneesh Kumar P The mediating role of parental playfulness on parent-child relationship and competence among parents of children with ASD Advances in Autism / / / 1 - 13 2056-3868

228 Aneesh Kumar P Steering through the pandemic: narrative analysis of school leader experiences in India International Journal of Leadership in Education / 26 / 1 / 1 - 19 1360-3124, 1464-5092

229 Aneesh Kumar P Child sexual abuse prevention involving mothers: A Quasi-experimental study with Protection Motivation Theory based intervention Journal of Community Psychology / / / 1 - 13 0090-4392, 1520-6629

230 Anita Rao Mysore Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of preservice teachers towards social-emotional learning InSPA Journal of Applied and School Psychology / 3 / 2 / 57 - 61 NA

231 Anjali Majumdar Organizational justice and employee well-being in India: Through a psychological lens Business Perspectives and Research / / / - 2278-5337

232 Anuradha S Importance of Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Enhancing Women?s Well-Being The international Journal of Indian Psychology / 9 / 2 / 1575 - 1586 2348-5396

233 Anuradha S A Phenomenological Exploration of Challenges Faced by Nicotine Dependent Working Women Undergoing Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention Turkish Online Journal Of Qualitative Inquiry / 12 / 8 / 212 - 222 1309-6591

234 Anuradha S Towards An Understanding of Self-Regulation in Children: Parental Perspectives among the Khasi Community The NEHU Journal / XIX / 1 / 50 - 63 0972 - 8406

235 Anuradha S Scripts About Happiness Among Urban Families in South India Journal of Happiness Studies / 23 / 1 / 1 - 24 1389-4978

236 Anuradha S Meaningfulness of life between sex trafficking female survivors and the females from the general public in India Journal of Positive School Psychology / 6 / 2 / 3617 - 3622 2717-7564

237 Anuradha S Parental beliefs about positive affect and parental depressive symptoms predicting parents? positive emotion socialisation in India International Journal of Psychology / / / - 1464-066X

238 Anuradha S Parental beliefs about positive affect and parental depressive symptoms predicting parents? positive emotion socialisation in India International Journal of Psychology / / / 3 - 9 1464-066X

239 Anuradha S Impact of Childhood Trauma on Psychological Distress and Personality Pathology in Young Adults ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / 3129 - 3142 1938-5862, 1938-6737

240 Anuradha S Perceived Reality of Self and Others with Two Childhood Trauma Survivors?An Idiographic Case Study ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / 3143 - 3153 1938-5862, 1938-6737

241 Anurekha T K Gender as a Predictor in the Perception of Sexual Harassment Definition ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / - 1938-5862

242 Baiju Gopal Coming out of the desi closet: disclosure of same-sex sexuality in metropolitan-India Journal of LGBT Youth / / / 1 - 20 1936-1653, 1936-1661

243 Baiju Gopal Intimate partner violence in young adults and it's influence on development of relationships International Journal of Health Sciences (IJHS) / 6 / S3 / 5760 - 5782 2550-696X, 2550-6978

244 Bhuvana Manohari N Psychological Well-Being, Mindfulness, and Impact of Stressful Events among Indian Teachers during COVID-19 Pandemic The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 9 / 3 / 1017 - 1024 2348-5396, 2349-3429

245 Bhuvaneshwari B A Bio-Psychosocial Framework for ChronicDaily Headaches: A Mixed Methods Study Journal of Patient Experience / 8 / / 1 - 10 2374-3735

246 Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett Influence of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response on Relaxation States: An Experimental Study Neuroregulation / 8 / 4 / 184 - 193 2373-0587

247 Divya Dosaya Effect of food insecurity on the cognitive problems among elderly in India BMC Geriatrics / 21 / 725 / 1 - 10 1471-2318

248 Elizabeth Thomas Avoidance Factors in Seeking Mental Health Counseling Among College Students Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling / 12 / 1 / 1 - 16 2233-6710, 2384-2121

249 Hemangi Narayan Narvekar A Reflection on the Current Status of Animal-Assisted Therapy in India Human Arenas / 6 / / 760 - 775 2522-5790

250 Hemangi Narayan Narvekar Canine-assisted Therapy in Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Scoping Review European Journal of Integrative Medicine / 50 / / 102 - 112 1876-3820

251 Indumathy Jayaprakash Partners- Dyadic Coping in India: Psychometric Properties and Validity of the Tamil Version of the Dyadic Coping Inventory Marriage & Family Review / / / 1 - 28 0149-4929, 1540-9635

252 Jayasankara Reddy K Spiritual Intelligence, Grit and Perceived Stress among Allopathic and Ayurvedic Medical Professionals. International Journal of Life Skills Education / 6 / 6 / 59 - 71 2394-630X

253 Jayasankara Reddy K Integrated Yoga and Dance Movement Intervention to Enhance the Self-esteem of Low Academic Achievers. International Journal of Life Skills Education / 6 / 1 / 41 - 59 2394-630X

254 Jayasankara Reddy K Psychological Well-Being, Mindfulness, and Impact of Stressful Events among Indian Teachers during COVID-19 Pandemic International Journal of Indian Psychology / 9 / 3 / 1016 - 1024 2349-3429

255 Jayasankara Reddy K Anger & Hostility; Traits of Type A & Type D Personality and its Association with Cardiovascular Diseases IJIP / 9 / 3 / 1 - 2 2349-3429

256 Jayasankara Reddy K Randomized Trials of Psychotherapeutic Treatment for Psychogenic Seizures: Scoping Review Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / XX / X / 1 - 4 0253-7176

257 Jayasankara Reddy K Therapist's Issues in Understanding Stuttering Journal of Patient Experience / 8 / 11 / 1 - 2 2374-3743

258 Jayasankara Reddy K Status of Higher Education in India: Challenges, Issues and Opportunities IJIP / 10 / 1 / 2349 - 3429 2348-5396

259 Jayasankara Reddy K Challenges of Treating Bilingual and Multilingual Stuttering Journal of Patient Experience / 9 / 1 / 1 - 3 2374-3735

260 Jayasankara Reddy K The Biofeedback Therapy on Academic Stress among Graduate Students Acta Scientific Neurology / 4 / 6 / 128 - 135 2582-1121

261 Jayasankara Reddy K Adolescents considering approval from others as a contributor to self-worth Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology / 10 / 10 / - 0974- 3618

262 Jayasankara Reddy K EEG Neurofeedback Brain Training for Epilepsy to Reduce Seizures International Journal of Child and Mental health development / 7 / 1 / 28 - 33 2586-887X

263 Jayasankara Reddy K Randomized Trials of Psychotherapeutic Treatment for Psychogenic Seizures: Scoping Review Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / 43 / 6 / 469 - 472 0253-7176, 0975-1564

264 Jayasankara Reddy K Psychological Well-Being, Mindfulness, and Impact of Stressful Events among Indian Teachers during COVID-19 Pandemic The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 9 / 3 / 1017 - 1024 2348-5396, 2349-3429

265 Jesline Rose Joshy The Relationship Between Metaemotions And Emotional Regulation Among Orphans And Other Vulnerable Children (Ovc) Indian Journal of Psychological Science / Vol-16 / / - 0976 9218

266 Jesline Rose Joshy The plight of migrants during COVID-19 and the impact of circular migration in India: a systematic review Humanities and Social Sciences Communications / 8 / 1 / - 2662-9992

267 Madhavi Rangaswamy The Difference is in the Details: Attachment and Cross-Species Parenting in the United States and India Anthrozoos / to be assigned / / 1 - 17 0892-7936, 1753-0377

268 Maharishi R Neuropsychological Functions and Optimism Levels in Stroke Patients ? A Cross-Sectional Study Health Education and Health Promotion / / / - 2588-5715

269 Manjusha Warrier G Integrated Home-Based Palliative Care in Motor Neuron Disease: A Case Report from Low- Middle Income Country Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care / 17 / 1 / 1 - 6 1552-4256

270 Manjusha Warrier G Development of Guidelines for spouses engages in home-based care of persons with motor neuron disease from Indian context Journal of Patient Experience / 9 / / 1 - 10 2374-3743

271 Manjusha Warrier G An individualised psychosocial intervention program for persons with MND/ALS and their families in low resource settings Chronic Illness / / / 1 - 14 1742-3953

272 Mareena Susan Wesley Impact of Social‑Emotional Learning Intervention on Emotional Intelligence of Adolescents Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry / 36 / 4 / 303 - 309 2454-8316

273 Meera S Neelakantan Steering through the pandemic: narrative analysis of school leader experiences in India International Journal of Leadership in Education / 26 / 1 / 1 - 19 1360-3124, 1464-5092

274 Moosath Harishankar Vasudevan Exploring Mortality Salience and Pandemic Impact in the Context of COVID-19 OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying / / / - 1541-3764

275 Moosath Harishankar Vasudevan The Mindful Self: Exploring Mindfulness in relation with Self-esteem and Self-efficacy in Indian Population Psychological Studies / / / - 0974-9861

276 Moosath Harishankar Vasudevan Reading Patterns, Engagement Style and Theory of Mind Psychological Studies / / / - 0974-9861, 0033-2968

277 Padmakumari P Impact of Parental Overprotection on Emotional Intelligence among Young Adults Indian Journal of Psychological Science / 14 / 1 / 36 - 51 0976-9218

278 Rituparna Chakraborty Energy Saving, Waste Management, and Pollution Free Steps for University Campuses AIP conference Proceedings / / / - 1551-7616

279 Rituparna Chakraborty Factors Affecting Data-Privacy Protection and Promotion of Safe Digital Usage CEUR Workshop Proceedings / 3094 / / - 1613 0073

280 Sadananda Reddy A An Online Survey to Assess Knowledge and Preventive Practices of Indian Nursing Students towards Covid-19 The Nursing Journal Of India / CXII / 4 / 147 - 152 0029-6503

281 Sadananda Reddy A Effectiveness of interventions to address obesity and health risk behaviours among people with severe mental illness in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs): Systematic review and meta-analysis" Global Mental Health / / / - 2054-4251

282 Sadananda Reddy A Neuropsychological Functions and Optimism Levels in Stroke Patients ? A Cross-Sectional Study Health Education and Health Promotion / / / - 2588-5715

283 Santhosh K R Regional and Gender Differences in the Cephalic Index among South Indian and North-East Indian Population Medico-Legal Update / 21 / 4 / 252 - 259 0973-1282

284 Santhosh K R Study Protocol: Development and Validation of a Framework on the Personality Characteristics of High-Potential Employees (Hi-pots) Social Science Protocols / 5 / 1 / 1 - 7 2516-8053

285 Sudhesh N T A Systematic Review on the Effectiveness of Life Skills Programmes (LSP) for Young People International Journal of Life Skills Education / 7 / 1 / 14 - 54 2394-630X

286 Sudhesh N T Changing Environment and Workplace Well-being among MNC Employees in Bangalore: A Promising Survey International Journal of Social Sciences Review / 10 / 1 / 26 - 31 2347-3797

287 Surekha C Development and Validation of Multi-Dimensional Scale of Grit Cogent Psychology / 8 / 1 / - 2331-1908

288 Surekha C Executive Functions and Psychological Flourishing in Public Sector Employees Indian Journal of Ecology / 48 / 16 / 142 - 146 0304-5250

289 Surekha C Self-Discrepancy as a Moderator Between Romantic Attachment and Body Image Satisfaction among Young Adults Youth Voice Journal / 11 / / - 2049-2073, 2056-2969

290 Surekha C Screen Time Beyond Gaming and Social media: Excessive and Problematic Use of Over the top (OTT) Platforms among college students during Covid -19 Pandemic Psychiatria Danubina / 33 / 13 / 420 - 423 0353-5053

291 Surekha C Systematic Review of Interparental Conflict and Intimate Relationship Satisfaction of Adult Offspring Youth Voice Journal / / / - 2969

292 Surekha C Impact of Urban Environmental Quality, Residential Satisfaction, and Personality on Quality of Life Among Residents of Delhi/NCR ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / 19875 - 19887 1664-1078

293 Tony Sam George Examining psychometric properties of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire among college students in India Suicide and Life Threatening Behaviour / 52 / 1 / 110 - 120 0363-0234

294 Yuvaraj S Role of Artificial Intelligence in reducing U5CMR in India Clinics in Mother and Child Health / 18 / 6 / 1 - 8 2090-7214

295 Aditi Ashok Arur Education for All: How Schooling Is Creating Social Changes for Lowered-Caste Girls in Rural India Gender and Society / 34 / 6 / 951 - 975 0891-2432

296 Akanksha Rani Structural Family Therapy with a Client Diagnosed with Dissociative Disorder Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / 43 / 6 / 549 - 554 0253-7176

297 Ammu Elizabeth Alexander Interventions for the improvement of social skills on Autism Spectrum disorder in India: A systematic review Journal of Indian Association of child and Adolescent mental health / 17 / 2 / 178 - 203 0973-1342

298 Aneesh Kumar P Development and Validation of the Social Media Self-Esteem Scale for Adolescents International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning / 10 / 4 / 1 - 13 2155-7136, 2155-7144

299 Aneesh Kumar P The mediating role of positive perceptions on coping strategies and psychological well-being among mothers of children with intellectual disabilities Advances in Mental Health & Intellectual Disabilities / 14 / 6 / 263 - 272 2044-1282, 2044-1290

300 Anita Rao Mysore Cultural reflections: The positioning of preservice teachers ArATE Electronic Journal / 10 / 2 / 2 - 17

301 Anjali Majumdar Organisational and personal predictors of work engagement in India British Journal of Guidance and Counselling / / / - 1469-3534

302 Anuradha S It has taken me into a whole new life and world, a turning point?: Fathers? Experiences of the Diagnosis of Autism The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 8 / 2 / 1102 - 1115 2348-5396, 2349-3429

303 Anuradha S Glass Ceiling Experiences of Women Managers - A Mental Health Perspective Journal of Critical Reviews / 7 / 14 / 2850 - 2859 2394-5125

304 Anuradha S Experiences of Glass Ceiling among Indian Women Infokara Research / 9 / 7 / 261 - 281 1021-9056

305 Anuradha S Relationship Patterns among Women Survivors of Abuse in India Indian Journal of Social Work / 82 / 1 / 81 - 98 0019-5634

306 Anuradha S Mindfulness: An emotional aid to the glass ceiling experiences Cogent Psychology / 8 / 1 / 1 - 13 2331-1908

307 Anuradha S Faith and Spirituality and how it Influence Anxiety in Breast Cancer Survivors International Journal of Research and Analytical Review / 8 / 2 / 844 - 856 2349-5138

308 Baiju Gopal Model of cross-cultural adjustment and view of life-career among Japanese expatriate spouses in India Current Psychology / / / 17 - 34 1046-1310

309 Baiju Gopal Emerging Adults Attitude Towards Marriage and Self Forgiveness:A study ADELAIDE Journal Of Social Work / 7 / 1 / 50 - 63 2349-4123

310 Baiju Gopal Psychological problems among Children three years after the Earthquake in Nepal Journal of Indian Association of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (JIACAM) / / / - 0973-1342

311 Bhasker Malu Development and Validation of Emotion Recognition Software in the Indian Population Psychological Studies / - / - / - 0033-2968

312 Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett Review of Neuropsychological and Electrophysiological Correlates of Callous-unemotional Traits in Children: Implications for EEG Neurofeedback Intervention Clinical EEG and Neuroscience / / / - 1550-0594

313 Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett Exploring the Role of Self-Presentation on Online and Offline Identities Indian Journal of Psychological Science / / / - 0976-9218

314 Divya Dosaya Factors Extraction of Effective Teaching-Learning in Online and Conventional Classrooms International Journal of Information and Education Technology / 10 / 6 / 422 - 427 2010-3689

315 Divya Dosaya Transformation of Academic Ecology through Information Communication Technology Adoption International Journal of Information and Education Technology / 10 / 5 / 372 - 377 2010-3689 (Online)

316 Hesi S Herbert Presence or absence of Dunning-Kruger effect: Differences in narcissism, general self-efficacy and decision-making styles in young adults Current Psychology / / / - 1046-1310

317 Jayasankara Reddy K EEG Neurofeedback Training for Mental Health Issues of Prisoners Asia Pacific Journal of Neurotherapy (APJNT) / 2 / 1 / 2 - 7 2378-3001

318 Jayasankara Reddy K Why Companion Animals Are Beneficial During COVID-19 Pandemic Journal of Patient Experience / / / 1 - 3 2374-3735

319 Jayasankara Reddy K Vicarious Trauma in Law Students: Role of Gender, Personality, and Social Support International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences / 16 / 1 / 34 - 50 0973-5089

320 Jayasankara Reddy K Vicarious Trauma in Law Students: Role of Gender, Personality, and Social Support International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences / 16 / 1 / 34 - 50 0973-5089

321 Madhavi Rangaswamy Engagement Detection through Facial Emotional Recognition Using a Shallow Residual Convolutional Neural Networks International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems / 14 / 2 / 236 - 247 2185-310X

322 Madhavi Rangaswamy Engagement Detection through Facial Emotional Recognition Using a Shallow Residual Convolutional Neural Networks International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems / 14 / 2 / 236 - 247 2185-310X

323 Maharishi R Effects of Depression Levels on Neuropsychological Functions of Stroke Patients Psychology and Education Journal / 58 / 2 / 3512 - 3517 0033-3077

324 Maharishi R The impact of emotional intelligence on students self-regulated behavior GAP Indian journal of forensics and behavioral sciences / 1 / 1 / 26 - 30 2582-8177

325 Manjusha Warrier G Reflection on the Psychosocial Interventions for Progressive Neurological Conditions during the Pandemic COVID-19 Vinayasadhana / XI / 2 / 9 - 15 0976-0946

326 Manjusha Warrier G Palliative Care in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A Study on Parents? Understanding Indian Journal of Palliative Care / 27 / 1 / 146 - 151 0973-1075

327 Manjusha Warrier G A meta-ethnographic synthesis of lived experience of spouse caregivers in chronic illness Qualitative Social Work / 20 / / 1 - 24 1473-3250

328 Manjusha Warrier G Schooling of Children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Experiences from a Tertiary Care Centre In India School Social Work Journal / 45 / 2 / 21 - 33 0161-5653

329 Mareena Susan Wesley Vicarious Trauma in Law Students: Role of Gender, Personality, and Social Support International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences / 16 / 1 / 34 - 50 0973-5089

330 Nisha James Of Vulnerability and Agency: Perspectives from survivors of sex trafficking in India. Perspectives from Survivors of Sex Trafficking in India Indian Journal of Human Development / 15 / 1 / 117 - 127 0973-7030

331 Padmakumari P Psychological Health among armed Forces Doctors During COVID-19 Pandemic in India Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / 42 / 4 / 374 - 378 0253-7176, 0975-1564

332 Padmakumari P Self-care, burnout and compassion fatigue among oncology professionals Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine / 24 / 3 / 168 - 171 0973-2284

333 Padmakumari P Presence or absence of Dunning-Kruger effect: Differences in narcissism, general self-efficacy and decision-making styles in young adults Current Psychology / / / - 1046-1310

334 Padmakumari P Interventions for the improvement of social skills in autism spectrum disorder in India: A systematic review Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health / 17 / 2 / 178 - 203 0973-1342

335 Padmakumari P Survey of prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms among 1124 healthcare workers during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic across India Medical Journal Armed Forces India / / / - 0377-1237

336 Padmakumari P Interventions for the improvement of social skills on Autism Spectrum disorder in India: A systematic review Journal of Indian Association of child and Adolescent mental health / 17 / 2 / 178 - 203 0973-1342

337 Sadananda Reddy A Development of a Supported Education Program for Students with Severe Mental Disorders in India Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / / / - 0253-7176, 0975-1564

338 Santhosh K R Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in the wake of COVID-19 in India: a conceptual overview The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 8 / 2 / 1133 - 1138 2348-5396

339 Santhosh K R Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Police Operational Stress: A Pilot Study Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology / / / 1 - 11 1936-6469

340 Santhosh K R Development and psychometric validation of the three dimensional grit scale Current Psychology / / / 1 - 10 1936-4733

341 Sreenath K Snehagram Model of an Applied Psychosocial Intervention Approach among Adolescents living with HIV/AIDS - A Blueprint Institutionalized Children Beyond Explorations / / / - 2349-3003, 2349-3011

342 Sreenath K Development and psychometric validation of the three dimensional grit scale Current Psychology / / / 1 - 10 1936-4733

343 Suantak Demkhosei Vaiphei Significance of Psychotherapeutic Approach Toward Terminal Ill Diagnosis in Clinical Practices Journal of Contemporary medicine / 10 / 3 / 91 - 94 2667-7180

344 Suantak Demkhosei Vaiphei Coping with Psychological Stress and Depression among the Terminal Ill Patients in India Journal of Women's Health and Safety Research / 5 / 1 / 212 - 216 2577-1388

345 Sudhesh N T Snehagram Model of an Applied Psychosocial Intervention Approach among Adolescents living with HIV/AIDS - A Blueprint Institutionalized Children Beyond Explorations / / / - 2349-3003, 2349-3011

346 Sudhesh N T Resilience and Quality of Life among Emerging Adults: The role of Personality International Journal of Indian Psychology / 9 / 1 / - 2348-5396, 2349-3429

347 Sudhesh N T Emotional Regulations as a Predictor of Peer relationship and Assertiveness among Adolescents International Journal of Life Skills Education / 5 / 1 / 5 - 20 2394-630X

348 Sudhesh N T Body Image issues and Self-Concept dilemmas in Adolescents living with Thalassemia Psychology, Health and Medicine / / / - 1354-8506, 1465-3966

349 Surekha C Development and validation of gaming disorder and hazardous gaming scale (GDHGS) based on the WHO framework (ICD-11 criteria) of disordered gaming Asian Journal of Psychiatry / 54 / / - 1876-2018

350 Surekha C Impact of lockdown following Covid-19 on the gaming behaviour of college students Indian Journal of Public Health / 64 / 6 / 172 - 176 0019-557X

351 Tony Sam George Predictors of Positive Psychological Capital: An Attempt Among the Teacher Communities in Rural Jharkhand, India Management and Labour Studies / / / 139 - 160 2321-0710, 0258-042X

352 Tony Sam George The relationship between density of drug outlets, crime hot spots and family factors on the consumption of drugs and delinquent behaviour of male adolescent Mexican students Social Science and Medicine / 279 / 1 / 1 - 10 0277-9536

353 Tony Sam George The effect of servant leadership on ad hoc schoolteachers? affective commitment and psychological well-being: The mediating role of psychological capital International Review of Education / / / - 0020-8566

354 Viju P D The effect of servant leadership on ad hoc schoolteachers? affective commitment and psychological well-being: The mediating role of psychological capital International Review of Education / / / - 0020-8566

355 Viju P D Predictors of Positive Psychological Capital: An Attempt Among the Teacher Communities in Rural Jharkhand, India Management and Labour Studies / / / 139 - 160 2321-0710, 0258-042X

356 Aditi Ashok Arur The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as Semiotic Resources in Career Guidance: Exploring a 10th Grade Boy?s Sociopolitical Motivations in Delhi, India Indian Journal of Career and Livelihood Planning / 8 / 1 / 3 - 16 2319-2313

357 Akanksha Rani Suffering in Silence: Stories of Indian Women with Chronic Mental Illness and Sexual Coercion Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / 42 / 2 / 168 - 174 0253-7176

358 Aneesh Kumar P Strengths-Based Positive Schooling Interventions: a Scoping Review Contemporary School Psychology / 18 / 1 / - 2159-2020

359 Aneesh Kumar P Physical framework for a counselling environment in India:Thematic analysis of counsellors' perceptions Counselling and Psychotherapy Research / / / - 1746-1405

360 Aneesh Kumar P Physical framework for a counselling environment in India: Thematic analysis of counsellors' perceptions Counselling and Psychotherapy Research / 20 / 2 / 336 - 345 1746-1405

361 Anita Rao Mysore An English Learner Service-learning Project:Preparing Education Majors Using Technology and the SAMR Model CALL-EJ / 20 / 2 / 128 - 149 2187-9036

362 Anjali Miriam Dey Physical framework for a counselling environment in India: Thematic analysis of counsellors' perceptions Counselling and Psychotherapy Research / 20 / 2 / 336 - 345 1746-1405

363 Anjali Miriam Dey Development and Validation of Superstitious Beliefs Scale Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 12 / 1 / 1 - 21 0975-2935

364 Anjali Miriam Dey Development and Validation of Superstitious Beliefs Scale Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary studies in Humanities / 12 / 1 / - 0975-2935

365 Anuradha S Challenges of Indian Girls with Maternal Schizophrenia Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal / 12 / 2 / 863 - 873 0974-6242

366 Anuradha S Psychosocial Correlates of Resilience among Older Adults in Mexico Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal / 12 / 2 / 825 - 832 0974-6242

367 Anuradha S Emotional needs of women post-rescue from sex trafficking in India Cogent Psychology / 6 / / 1 - 12 23311908

368 Anuradha S Understanding attitudes of young adults towards substance use International Journal of Indian Psychology / 7 / 2 / 381 - 395 2348-5396

369 Anuradha S Status of Sex Trafficking in India - A Conceptual Paper Acta Scientific Neurology / 2 / 10 / 56 - 62 2582-1121

370 Anuradha S Emotional Experience of Women Post Rescue from Sex trafficking in India The Journal of Social Science research / 5 / 12 / 1681 - 1690 2411-9458

371 Anuradha S Status of Sex trafficking in India - A conceptual Paper Acta Scientific Neurology / 2 / 10 / 56 - 62 2582-1121

372 Anuradha S Post Traumatic Relationship Experiences in Women in South India Cogent Psychology / 6 / 1 / 1 - 17 2331-1908

373 Anuradha S Editorial Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 19 / 1 / 4 - 9 0975-329x

374 Anuradha S Role of Parents' Education, Occupation in Parental Pressure and Adolescents Test Anxiety Bio Science Bio Technology research and Communications / 13 / 1 / 288 - 295 0974-6455, 2321-4007

375 Baiju Gopal Solidarity, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intent in Employees. Journal of Workplace Health Management / 12 / 4 / 247 - 257 1753-8351

376 Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett EEG Neurofeedback Training in Children With Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Cognitive and Behavioral Outcome Study Clinical EEG & Neuroscience / 50 / 4 / 242 - 255 1550-0594

377 Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett Emerging hope: EEG neurofeedback training in TBI Journal of the Neurological Sciences / 405S / 405 / 17 - 17 0022-510X

378 Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett The effect of priming and extrinsic motivation on attention: Cognitive quasi-experimental study Indian Journal Of Social Psychiatry / 35 / 4 / 285 - 304 0971-9962

379 Elizabeth Thomas Effect of background music and the cultural preference to music on adolescents? task performance International Journal of Adolescence and Youth / / / 1 - 12 0267-3843

380 Elizabeth Thomas Art Therapy for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder in India Art Therapy / 36 / 4 / 209 - 214 2159-9394, 0742-1656

381 Elizabeth Thomas Role of school counselors and the factors that affect their practice in India Journal of School-Based Counseling Policy and Evaluation / 2 / 1 / 22 - 28 2688-6189

382 Jayasankara Reddy K EEG Neurofeedback Brain Training for Epilepsy to Reduce Seizures International journal of child development and mental health / 7 / 1 / 28 - 33 2586-887X

383 Jayasankara Reddy K A Neurobiological Perspective on Psychological Stress EJMED, European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences / 1 / 2 / 1 - 2 2593-8339

384 Jayasankara Reddy K Physiological Correlates of Arousal: A Meta-analytic Review Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience / 10 / 4 / 1 - 2 2171-6625

385 Jayasankara Reddy K Epilepsy and Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Biological Perspective International journal of child development and mental health / 7 / 2 / 55 - 60 0973-1342

386 Jayasankara Reddy K Understanding the impact of different factors in the treatment of drug related substance abuse disorders Forensic Research & Criminology International Journal / 7 / 6 / 296 - 299 2469-2794

387 Jayasankara Reddy K Personality as a Predictor of Risky Driving Behaviour Journal of Psychosocial Research / 14 / 1 / 41 - 51 0973-5410

388 Jayasankara Reddy K Understanding Blame Attributions in Rape among Legal Professionals International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences (IJCJS) / 14 / 2 / 222 - 238 0973-5089

389 Jayasankara Reddy K Specific Learning Disability and Psychological Impact among School Going Adolescents Psychology and education : an interdisciplinary journal / 56 / 3/5 / 74 - 80 1553-6939

390 Jayasankara Reddy K Culturally Competent Practice in Psychological Assessment International Journal of Asia Pacifc School Psychology / 1 / 1 / 98 - 102 2697-6544

391 Madhavi Rangaswamy Expressions of Women Survivors of Domestic Violence: Idioms of Distress Psychological Studies / - / / - 0033-2968

392 Madhavi Rangaswamy Grandparenting in Urban Bangalore, India: Support and Involvement From the Standpoint of Young Adult University Students Sage Open / 1 / 10 / - 2158-2440

393 Madhavi Rangaswamy The Consortium on Vulnerability to Externalizing Disorders and Addictions (c-VEDA): an accelerated longitudinal cohort of children and adolescents in India Molecular Psychiatry / / 25 / 1618 - 1630 1359-4184

394 Madhavi Rangaswamy Consortium on Vulnerability to Externalizing Disorders and Addictions (cVEDA): A developmental cohort study protocol. BMC Psychiatry / 20 / 2 / 1 - 14 1471-244X

395 Madhavi Rangaswamy Sexual Selection, Signaling and Facial Hair: US and India Ratings of Variable Male Facial Hair Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology / 6 / / 170 - 184 2198-7335

396 Madhavi Rangaswamy An Exploration of Attitudes toward Dogs among College Students in Bangalore, India Animals / 9 / 8 / - 2076-2615

397 Mareena Susan Wesley The Relationship between Editing Pictures of Oneself, Body Image and Self-Discrepancy Journal of Psychosocial Research / 15 / 1 / 25 - 33 0976-3937

398 Miriam Priti Mohan An Exploration of Attitudes toward Dogs among College Students in Bangalore, India Animals / 9 / 8 / - 2076-2615

399 Moosath Harishankar Vasudevan Stereotype Threat and Psychological Wellbeing in Children of Prisoners international Journal of criminal justice Sciences / 14 / 2 / 283 - 297 0973-5089

400 Rituparna Chakraborty Be(com)ing a Woman: Body, Authority and Society Psychology and developing societies / 31 / 2 / 283 - 314 0971-3336

401 Santhosh K R Genuine handwriting variations in 10 years: a pilot study Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences / 9 / 49 / 1 - 7 2090-5939

402 Santhosh K R Solution-Focused Versus Problem-Focused Questions: Effects on Electrocardiography States and Affective Experiences Journal of Systemic Therapies / 38 / 1 / 64 - 78 1195-4396

403 Santhosh K R Happiness and Resilience among Young Physically Disadvantaged Employees in India: A Pilot Study Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal / 30 / 3 / 113 - 124 1029-4414

404 Santhosh K R Awareness and Knowledge About Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Among Antenatal Women Psychology, Community & Health / 8 / 1 / 237 - 248 2182-438X

405 Sreenath K Beyond Numbers ? Recent Understanding of Emotional Needs of Persons Diagnosed with Cancer 2007?2018 Indian Journal of Palliative Care / 26 / 1 / 120 - 128 0973-1075

406 Sudhesh N T Emotional Maturity and Self-Perception among Adolescents Living with HIV - Need for Life Skills Intervention Illness, Crisis and Loss / / / 1 - 18 1054-1373

407 Surekha C Development and Validation of Superstitious Beliefs Scale Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary studies in Humanities / 12 / 1 / - 0975-2935

408 Surekha C Impact of lockdown following Covid-19 on the gaming behaviour of college students Indian Journal of Public Health / 64 / 6 / 172 - 176 0019-557X

409 Surekha C Development and Validation of Superstitious Beliefs Scale Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 12 / 1 / 1 - 21 0975-2935

410 Tony Sam George The Jesuit educational mission in rural Chotanagpur, India: historical achievements and contemporary challenges International Studies in Catholic Education / / / - 1942-2539, 1942-2547

411 Vijaya R E-leadership, Psychological Contract and Real-time Performance Management: Remotely Working Professionals SCMS Journal of Indian Management / XVI / 3 / 101 - 111 0973-3167

412 Vijaya R Humour and Gender Stereotypes Journal of the Indian Association of Social Sciences Institutions / 39 / 1 / 58 - 75 0970-9061

413 Viju P D The Jesuit educational mission in rural Chotanagpur, India: historical achievements and contemporary challenges International Studies in Catholic Education / / / - 1942-2539, 1942-2547

414 Yuvaraj S Being a therapeutic clown - an exploration of their lived experiences and well-being. Current Psychology / / / - 1936-4733

415 Aditi Ashok Arur Decolonizing life skills education for girls in Brahmanical India: a Dalitbahujan perspective Gender and Education / 31 / 4 / 490 - 507 0954-0253, 1360-0516

416 Aiswarya V R Significance of Sense of Coherence and Relation with Quality of Life: A Systematic Review Literary Findings / 4 / 2 / 84 - 87 2278-2311

417 Akanksha Rani Stress and perceived stigma among parents of children with epilepsy Neurological Sciences / 40 / 7 / 1363 - 1370 1590-1874

418 Aneesh Kumar P Parental Involvement in School Counseling Services: Challenges and Experience of Counselor Psychological Studies / / / 1 - 6 0033-2968

419 Aneesh Kumar P Personal fableness and perception of risk behaviors among adolescents Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development / 9 / 10 / 1 - 5 0976-0245, 0976-5506.

420 Aneesh Kumar P Community Perceptions and Cultural Issues related to Child Abuse and Neglect Indian Journal of Psychology and Education / 9 / 1 / 180 - 187 2231-1432

421 Anuradha S Parental Socialization of Positive Affect, Adolescent Positive Affect Regulation, and Adolescent Girls? Depression in India Social Development / / / 1 - 16 0961205x

422 Anuradha S Mental Health Professionals View on the Need for Early Intervention for Offspring of Individual with Schizophrenia in India. Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal / 11 / 3 / - 0974-6242

423 Anuradha S Mindfulness based relapse prevention : a meta analysis Cogent Psychology / 6 / / 1 - 13 2331-1908

424 Anuradha S How children Perceive their disability in learning? IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science / 24 / 3 / 50 - 60 2279-0845

425 Anuradha S Emotional Attachment among Sibling Relations whose Parents has Schizophrenia IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review / 7 / 5 / 1054 - 1059 2347-3797

426 Anuradha S Impact of Residential Mobility on Borderline Personality Traits Indian Journal of Psychiatry / supplementary 613 / 3 / - 0019-5545

427 Anurekha T K Consumer Purchase Behaviour on Mobile Applications based Online Portals DJAME Journal of Management Research / 1 / 1 / 29 - 35 0972-5814

428 Baiju Gopal A Review on Acculturation and Adaptation strategies of Migrants International Research Journal of Commerce, Arts, and Science / 8 / 11 / 131 - 138 2319-9202

429 Baiju Gopal Maternal Employment and Well Being- A Conceptual Understanding Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences / 5 / 12A / 1764 - 1768 2347-5374

430 Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett Clinical and Biochemical Outcomes Following EEG Neurofeedback Training in Traumatic Brain Injury in the Context of Spontaneous Recovery Clinical EEG & Neuroscience / 49 / 6 / 433 - 440 1550-0594

431 Cathlyn Niranjana Bennett Academic Stress in School Children: Behavioural and Electrophysiological Outcomes Study Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology / 45 / 2 / 18 - 22 0303-2582

432 Divya Ballal Children of Parents with Mental Illness: The Need for Family-focussed Interventions in India Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / 41 / 3 / 228 - 234 0253-7176

433 Elizabeth Thomas Development and Exploratory Factor Analysis of a United States' Version of the International Survey of School Counselors? Activities International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling / 0 / 0 / 1 - 22 1573-3246

434 Jayasankara Reddy K Mindfulness as the Key to Well-Being: A Review of Literature The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 6 / 3 / 185 - 192 2348-5396

435 Jayasankara Reddy K Neurobiological Aspects of Violent and Criminal Behaviour: Deficits in Frontal Lobe Function and Neurotransmitters International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences (IJCJS) / 13 / 1 / 44 - 54 0973-5089

436 Jayasankara Reddy K Prevalence of Learning Disability and Emotional Problems among Children: An Overview of Emotion and Creativity Focused Interventions. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation / 22 / 2 / 22 - 31 1475-7192

437 Jayasankara Reddy K Understanding the reason for dropout of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder from the regular school Indian Journal of Psychological Science / 11 / 2 / 11 - 18 0976-9218

438 Jayasankara Reddy K Simultaneous engineering and knowledge management in a semiconductor manufacturing firm using TQM International Journal of Supply Chain Management / 7 / 2 / 163 - 167 2051-3771, 2050-7399

439 Jayasankara Reddy K The Impact of Trait Mindfulness on Perceived Stress among Adults IJIP / 7 / 1 / 210 - 229 2348-5396

440 Madhavi Rangaswamy Fearing what we want, and its relation to individual-specific factors and life satisfaction IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review / 7 / 5 / 971 - 977 2347-3797

441 Maharishi R Cognitive Impairment of Stroke Patient with Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) - Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS) - Left Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) Territory Stroke with Left Internal Carotid Artery (ICA) Occlusion Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera / 50 / 2 / 110 - 120 2156-5457

442 Mareena Susan Wesley The Conceptualization of Meaninglessness in Advaita Vedanta International Journal of Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy / 7 / 1 / 3 - 8 1708-1696

443 Mareena Susan Wesley Acceptance, Emotional Competence and Coping among Parents of Children with Learning Disability IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) / 24 / 4 / 45 - 51 2279-0837

444 Mareena Susan Wesley Role of psycho-social factors in intimate partner change among male to female transgenders IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review / 7 / 5 / 985 - 991 2347-3797

445 Padmakumari P Criticality and Emotional Over Involvement as Contributory Factors to Psychopathology International Journal of Indian Psychology / 6 / 4 / 125 - 131 2348-5396

446 Padmakumari P Adjuvant Psychological Therapy for Alexithymia in Women with Breast Cancer International Journal of Indian Psychology / 6 / 4 / 72 - 81 2348-5396

447 Padmakumari P Problematic Internet Use among Adolescents International Journal Of Research In Engineering And Social Sciences (IJRESS) / 8 / 6 / 163 - 172 2250-0588

448 Padmakumari P The Role of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in Education: Teacher-Student Perceptions Journal on Educational Psychology / 12 / 01 / 8 - 18 2230-7141

449 Rithi Baruah Eye-Tracking Measures in Aviation: A Selective Literature Review The International Journal of Aviation Psychology / 28 / 28 / 98 - 112 2472-1840

450 Santhosh K R History of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Self-efficacy and Coping in Postpartum Women: A Pilot Study ASIAN WOMEN (The Research Institute of Asian Women) / 34 / 4 / 101 - 115 1225-925X

451 Sreenath K Expansion of Self-Boundaries Foster Humans? Ecological Behaviors: Relationship Between Self-Transcendence and Connectedness to Nature Asian Review of Social Sciences / 8 / 1 / 82 - 86 2249-6319

452 Sreenath K Resilience and well-being among adolescents living with HIV infection IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review / 7 / 5 III / 1646 - 1650 2347-3797

453 Sudhesh N T Grit, Self-regulation, and resilience among college football players: A pilot study International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education / 4 / 1 / 843 - 848 2456-0057

454 Tony Sam George Spirituality and subjective well-being among Catholic College Teachers of Bangalore Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing / 7 / 2 / 678 - 680 2229-5356, 2321-3698

455 Vijaya R Distress, Self-esteem and Public Speaking Anxiety among Teaching Faculty The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 7 / 2 / 54 - 61 2348-5396, 2349-3429

456 Viju P D Influence of Psychological Capital on Affective Commitment among Teachers: A Reflective Analysis Research Review International Journal of Multidisciplinary / Special Issue / / - 2455-3085

457 Yuvaraj S Pattern and Trend of Economic Indicators and Property Crime in India and Tamil Nadu from 2003 to 2015: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. International Journal of Research in Social Sciences / 8 / 8(1) / 348 - 366 2249-2496

458 Yuvaraj S Mental health counsellors - perceptions on use of technology in counselling Current Psychology / / / - 1936-4733

459 Aneesh Kumar P Spiritual Elements in the Counseling Environment Vinayasadhana- Dharmaram Journal of Psycho-Spiritual Formation / 9 / 1 / 58 - 74 -

460 Aneesh Kumar P Marital Satisfaction and Communication Skills among Married Couples Indian Journal of Social Research / 59 / 1 / 35 - 44 0019-5626, 2454-3624

461 Aneesh Kumar P Children as victims of beliefs and practices: The need for child protection in India Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities / 5 / 7 / 10 - 17 2321-788X

462 Anupama S Expanding the Scope of Corporate Social Responsibility: Strategizing Skill Development in the Indian Scenario Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 17 / 2 / 21 - 37 0975-329X

463 Anuradha S Alternative Therapies: A Boon for Symptoms like ADHD in Children? Research Journal of Social Science and Management / 7 / 5 / 31 - 38 2251-1571

464 Anuradha S Home Alone: The Good, The Bad and Everything in between Indian Journal of Health and Well Being / 8 / 10 / 1260 - 1264 2229-5356

465 Anuradha S What You Know Vs Who You Know: The Unspoken Way on How to Get Hired International Research Journal of Management Science and Technology / 9 / 1 / 60 - 64 2250-1959

466 Anuradha S Can Resilience Combat against Stigma as a Minority Stressor Among Transgenders? International Journal of Commerce Arts and Science / 9 / 1 / 77 - 85 2319-9202

467 Anuradha S Role of Resilience in Dealing with Parents Death Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences / 3 / IB / 135 - 139 2415-6248

468 Anuradha S Comprehensive Cancer Care: Promoting Posttraumatic Growth Among Survivors of Breast Cancer Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences / 3 / 2 / 247 - 249 2415-6248

469 Anuradha S Do We Have to Play with Our Children? Is it Needed? Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences / 3 / 2 / 274 - 278 2415-6248

470 Anuradha S Issues Related to Body Image in Young Adult Women Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences / 3 / 2 / 250 - 254 2415-6248

471 Anuradha S Parental Pressure and Test Anxiety: Threats to Students Wellbeing Recent Advances in Psychology: An International Journal / 4 / 1 / 132 - 140 2395-5465

472 Anuradha S Academic Procrastination: Adaptive or Self Harming Behavior Research Journal of Social Science and Management / 7 / 12 / 8 - 13 2251-1571

473 Anuradha S Together We Can : Facilitating Post Traumatic Growth Through Cancer Support Groups Research Journal of Social Science and Management / 7 / 12 / 39 - 44 2251-1571

474 Anuradha S A Lifetime Voyage With Cancer Research Journal of Social Science and Management / 7 / 12 / 62 - 68 2251-1571

475 Anuradha S Employee Matters: Dealing With day to day Employee Deviance in a Family Run Business International Research Journal of Management Science & Technology / 8 / 5 / 120 - 124 2250-1959

476 Anuradha S Binge Watching: Why are College Students Glued to their Screens? Journal of Indian Health Psychology / 12 / 12 / 41 - 52 0973-5755

477 Anuradha S Positivity in Dealing with Cancer Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences / 3 / 4 / 546 - 552 2415-6256

478 Anuradha S Home Alone : The Good , the Bad and Everything in Between Indian Journal of Health and Well-Being / 8 / 10 / 1260 - 1264 2229-5356

479 Baiju Gopal Influence of Acculturation on the Ambition Level of Second and Third Generation Migrants of Andaman and Nicobar Islands Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology / 44 / 1 / 144 - 155 0019-4247

480 Baiju Gopal The Roles Appropriateness and Hierarchy on Cultural Conscience: Therapist's Perspective Haya: The Saudi Journal of Life Sciences / 2 / 9 / 312 - 320 415-623X, 2415-6221

481 Baiju Gopal Self-expression and Entitlement among Individuals with High Narcissistic Traits The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 5 / 1 / 103 - 113 2349-3429

482 Baiju Gopal Influence of Childhood Trauma and Personality Traits on Paranormal Beliefs among Early-adults The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 5 / 1 / 132 - 143 2349-3429

483 Baiju Gopal Mental Illness and its Portrayal in Media: When to Intervene? - A Review Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences / 6 / 1 / 81 - 84 2347-5374

484 Divya Ballal Talking to Children about Parental Mental Illness: The Experiences of Well Parents International Journal of Social Psychiatry / 64 / 4 / 367 - 373 0020-7640

485 Jayasankara Reddy K Evaluation of relation of personality, parenting, stress and depression in patients with secondary amenorrhoea Andhra Pradesh Journal of Psychological Medicine / 16 / 2 / 138 - 145 2249-5851

486 Jayasankara Reddy K Understanding Academic Stress among Adolescents Artha-Journal of Social Sciences / 16 / 1 / 63 - 77 0975-329X

487 Jayasankara Reddy K Psychological Underpinnings of Criminal Behaviour Forensic Research & Criminology International Journal / 5 / 3 / 157 - 159 2469-2794

488 Jayasankara Reddy K Perceived Parental Autonomy and its Influence on Decision making: A Review International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS) / 8 / 1 / 1 - 7 2250-3226

489 Jayasankara Reddy K Associative learning theories and neurobiological basis: a review of principles and recent researches International Journal of Current Advanced Research (IJCAR) / 7 / 1 / 9600 - 9603 2319-6505

490 Jayasankara Reddy K Academic Stress and its Sources Among University Students Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal (BPJ) / 11 / 1 / 43 - 37 0974-6242

491 Jayasankara Reddy K Role of Home Environment in Adolescent Stress SJAHSS / 6 / 3 / 538 - 541 2347-5374

492 Jayasankara Reddy K Implication of Emotional Labor, Cognitive Flexibility, and Relational Energy among Cabin Crew: A Review Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine / 22 / 1 / 1 - 4 1998-3670

493 Justine K James Measures of Superstitious Beliefs: A Meta-Analytic Review of Research Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology / 44 / 1 / 10 - 24 0019-4247

494 Justine K James Correlates of Marital Satisfaction of Indian Married Couples Guru Journal of Behavioral and Social Sciences / 5 / 2 / 672 - 683 2320-9038

495 Mareena Susan Wesley Interepisodic functioning in patients with bipolar disorder in remission Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine / 40 / 1 / 52 - 60 0253-7176

496 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Manganese- and 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium-induced neurotoxicity display differences in morphological, electrophysiological and genome-wide alterations: implications for idiopathic Parkinson?s disease Journal of Neurochemistry / 143 / 3 / 334 - 358 1471-4159

497 Ngaitlang Mary Tariang Self-Esteem of Adolescent Victims of Cyber Bullying International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities / 5 / 1 / 57 - 5763 2321-788X

498 Ngaitlang Mary Tariang Relationship between extent of Internet Addiction with Loneliness and Self-Esteem among College Students Shanlax International Journal Of Arts, Science and Humanities / 5 / special no -1 / 145 - 145160 2321-788X

499 Rithi Baruah Significance of Psychological Factors on Mental Health of Flight Attendants Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences / 6 / 2 / 485 - 486 ISSN: 2347-5374(Online) ISSN 2347-9493(Print)

500 Rithi Baruah Aviation Psychology: Study of the Human Mind Takes Flight Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences / 6 / 3 / 514 - 516 ISSN 2347-5374(Online) ISSN 2347-9493(Print)

501 Santhosh K R Residential Decision and Mental Health in the Older Adults Guru Journal of Behavioral and Social Sciences / 5 / 3 / 702 - 708 2320-9038

502 Santhosh K R Academic Resilience, Locus of Control, Academic Engagement and Self-Efficacy among the School Children Indian Journal of Positive Psychology / 8 / 4 / 507 - 811 2229-4937

503 Sudhesh N T Social Media and Work Life Balance among Corporate Employees International Journal of Education & Management Studies / 8 / 1 / 65 - 70 2231-5632, 2321-3671

504 Surekha C Measures of superstitious beliefs: A meta-analytic review of research Journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology / 44 / 1 / 10 - 24 0019-4247

505 Surekha C Measures of Superstitious Beliefs: A Meta-Analytic Review of Research Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology / 44 / 1 / 10 - 24 0019-4247

506 Vijaya R The case of onboarding process at company X Ushus Journal of Business Management / 16 / 3 / 57 - 63 0975-3311

507 Aneesh Kumar P School corporal punishment, family tension, and students? internalizing problems: Evidence from India. School Psychology International / / / 1 - 18 0143-0343, 1461-7374

508 Aneesh Kumar P Lifestyle Patterns and its Association to Perceived Social Support and Self- Efficacy in Adolescent?s Lifestyle The International Journal of Indian Psychology / 4 / 1 / 5 - 15 2348-5396, 2349-3429

509 Anuradha S Effect of Age and Number of Treatment Periods on Readiness to Quit Drinking Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling / 6 / 2 / 101 - 117 2233-6710

510 Anuradha S Early Intervention and Diagnosis of Autism Indian Journal of Health and Well being / 7 / 12 / 1144 - 1148 2229-5356

511 Anuradha S Concorde Motors Inc : Case study on revamping and redesigning the recruitment process Research Journal of Social Science & Management / 6 / 10 / 11 - 14 2251-1571

512 Baiju Gopal Search for Security in New Gods and their People:Experiences of Religious Converts in South India International Psychology Bulletin / 20,4 / 20 / 16 - 26

513 Jayasankara Reddy K Influence of Grandparents on the Emotional Intelligence of Early Adolescents in Kerala Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology (JIAAP) / 42 / 2 / 193 - 197 0019-4247

514 Jayasankara Reddy K Prognostic value of somatosensory-evoked potentials in neurology: A critical review in hypoxic encephalopathy Neurology India / 64 / 3 / 396 - 404 1998-4022

515 Jayasankara Reddy K Demographic factors and career maturity in adolescents in Bangalore, India International Research Journal of Human Resources and Social Sciences (IRJHRSS) / 3 / 4 / 17 - 23 2349-4085

516 Jayasankara Reddy K Role of Psychosocial Factors in Criminal Behaviour in Adults in India International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences / 12 / 1 / 23 - 44 0973-5089

517 Jayasankara Reddy K The relationship between dispositional mindfulness, marital adjustment and psychological well-being among military wives Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing / 7 / 8 / 799 - 802 2321-3698

518 Jayasankara Reddy K Mediating Role of Intrinsic motivation: Needs satisfaction and Student Engagement of Undergraduate Students Indian Journal of Social Science Researc / 13 / 1 & 2 / 46 - 54 0974-9837

519 Jayasankara Reddy K Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology / 10 / 10 / - 0974-360X

520 Madhavi Rangaswamy Genetic correlates of the development of theta event related oscillations in adolescents and young adults International Journal of Psychophysiology / 115 / - / 24 - 39 0167-8760

521 Madhavi Rangaswamy A genome wide association study of fast beta EEG in families of European ancestry International Journal of Psychophysiology / 115 / - / 74 - 85 0167-8760, 1872-7697

522 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Fish Oil Prophylaxis Protects against 3-Nitropropinic Acid-Induced Oxidative Impairments in Striatum and Cerebellum in Male Rat Brain Neurochemistry & Neuropharmacology / 3 / 1 / 1529 - 1537 2469-9780

523 Santhosh K R Resilience in Socially Withdrawn Young Adults Indian Journal of Social Science and Organizational Behaviour / 2 / 1 / 54 - 58 2278-568X

524 Santhosh K R Psychosocial problems, help-Seeking behaviour and resilience among students in schools with no psychologist Guru Journal of Behavioural and Social Sciences / 5 / 1 / 618 - 630 2320-9038

525 Santhosh K R Cultural tolerance and its link with languages International Journal of Arts and Humanities / 1 / 1 / 42 - 48 2581-3102

526 Sreenath K Spiritual Well-Being and Parenting Stress in Caring for Children with Neuro-Developmental Disorders International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention / 6 / 1 / 17 - 23 2319-7722

527 Sudhesh N T The Real and The Ideal: The Unthought Axiom of Selves on Social Media DIOTIMA'S - A Journal of New Readings / 7 / - / 72 - 79 2319-4189

528 Tony Sam George Family as a cradle for human and spiritual formation Vinayasadhana: Dharmaram Journal fo Psycho-Spiritual Formation / 8 / 1 / 7 - 15 0976-0946

529 Tony Sam George Gender Issues and Related Social Stigma Affecting Patients with a Disorder of Sex Development in India Archives of Sexual Behaviour / 46 / 2 / 361 - 367 0004-0002

530 Tony Sam George Subjective well-being of children in India: A systematic review Indian Journal of Positive Psychology / 7 / 4 / 504 - 510 2229-4937, 2321-368X

531 Tony Sam George Family as a cradle for human and spiritual formation Vinayasadhana:Dharmaram Journal of Psycho-Spiritual Formation / 8 / 1 / 7 - 15 Not Available

532 Vijaya R Diversity and inclusion initiatives for female employees in the workplace- A case study Ushus Journal of Business Management / 15 / 3 / 41 - 47 0975-3311

533 Aneesh Kumar P Child Rights As Perceived by the Community Members in India International Law Research / 5 / 1 / 1 - 15 1927-5234, 1927-5242

534 Aneesh Kumar P The dynamics of sibling relations in adolescent development: Understanding the protective and risk factors Indian Journal of Positive Psychology / 6 / 4 / 439 - 443 2229-4937

535 Anuradha S School Counselor's Insight on Well Being International Journal of Management and Social Science REsearch Review / 1 / 9 / 180 - 188 2349-6738

536 Anuradha S Tetris: A Next Generation Stress Buster? Research Journal of Social Science and Management / 5 / 3 / 42 - 46 2251-1571

537 Anuradha S Relationship Based Leadership: The Development of Leader Member Exchange Theory Research Journal of Social Science & Management / 5 / 11 / - 2251-1571

538 Anuradha S Human Capital Challenges at Fashion Trends Research Journal of Social Science & Management / 5 / 12 / 64 - 67 2251-1571

539 Anuradha S A Comparison of Maslow's Theory of Hierarchy of Needs with the Pancha Kosha Theory of Upanishads Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 15 / 1 / 59 - 68 0975-329X

540 Baiju Gopal Seminar on Culture and Psyche: Sudhir Kakar?s Contribution to Indian Cultural Psychology and Psy-choanalysis International Psychology Bulletin / 19 / 2 / 51 - 52

541 Baiju Gopal Parental Experience Of Living With A Type 1 Diabetic Adolescent International Research Journal of Human Resources and Social Sciences / 3 / 2 / 88 - 103 2349-4085, 2394-4218

542 Baiju Gopal The Indian scenario of qualitative inquiry in psychology: Possibilities and challenges TMAIC Journal of Counselling / 2 / 2 / 45 - 58 2349-5995

543 Elizabeth Thomas Evaluation of Personal Development Components in Counselor Education Programs in India Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling / 6 / 1 / 1 - 20 2233-6710

544 Elizabeth Thomas Evaluation of Personal Development Components in Counselor education Programs in India Journal of Asia Pacefic Counseling / 6 / 1 / 1 - 21 2233-6710

545 Elizabeth Thomas Evaluation of Personal Development Components in Counselor Education Programs in India Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling / 6 / 1 / 1 - 20 2233-6710

546 Jayasankara Reddy K Theory and research concerning the process of social comparison and its impact on adolescents International Journal of Psychosocial Research / / Special Issue / 49 - 56 2320-6381

547 Jayasankara Reddy K A comparative study of the knowledge and quality of life among children with and without academic stress International Journal of Psychosocial Research / IV / 1 / 110 - 113 2320-6381

548 Jayasankara Reddy K Impact of type of family on the spiritual intelligence of adolescents International Journal of Psychosocial Research / IV / 1 / 114 - 118 2320-6381

549 Jayasankara Reddy K Cognitive and cultural aspects of academic stress: a review International Education and Research Journal / 1 / 1 / 80 - 86 2454-9916

550 Jayasankara Reddy K The Illness Perception and Meaning-Making of People Living with HIV/AIDS Journal of human behavior and development issues / 2 / 2 / 4 - 12 2349-8366

551 Jayasankara Reddy K Counselling and Psychological Wellbeing of People Living with HIV in Kerala Indian Journal of Social Work / 77 / 2 / 211 - 236 0019-5634

552 Jayasankara Reddy K Sports and Cognitive Functioning among College Football and Basketball Players. Indian Journal of Neurosciences / 2 / 1 / 11 - 15 2455-8451

553 Jayasankara Reddy K A Comparative Study of the Knowledge, Attitude and Quality of Life about Dyscalculia among adolescents with and without Dyscalculia. Personality Study and Group Behaviour / 36 / 1 / 35 - 44 0972-3803

554 Jayasankara Reddy K Human personal attribute towards industrial social contribution Indian Journal of Science and Technology / 8 / 36 / 1 - 3 0974-5645

555 Jayasankara Reddy K Organization and Positive Psychology with diversity Indian Journal of Science and Technology / 8 / 36 / - 0974-5645

556 Jayasankara Reddy K Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction, Academic Performance: Mediating Role Of Motivation International Education and Research Journal / 2 / 4 / 75 - 78 2454-9916

557 Madhavi Rangaswamy Gender modulates the development of theta event related oscillations in adolescents and young adults Behavioural Brain Research / 292 / / 342 - 352 0166-4328, 1872-7549

558 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Bioavailability of dietary polyphenols: Factors contributing to their clinical application in CNS diseases Neurochem Int / 89 / / 198 - 208 1872-9754

559 Nisha James From Victimhood to Survivor-Hood: Reflections on Women?s Agency in Popular Films on Sex Trafficking in India Psychological Studies / 61 / 1 / 76 - 82 0033-2968

560 Padmakumari P Character Strength of the Leader and Community Development Phases DEVELOPMENT PHASES character strength of the leader and the Community Development Phases International Research Journal of Human Resources and Social Sciences / 3 / 2 / 12 - 22 2349-4085

561 Rituparna Chakraborty Body Dissatisfaction Among Female University Students: Metacognitive Awareness Psychological studies / 60 / 3 / 257 - 264 0033-2968, 0974-9861

562 Santhosh K R Identity crisis among early adolescents in relation to abusive experience in the childhood Journal of Psychosocial Research / 10 / 1 / 165 - 173 0973-5410

563 Santhosh K R Spiritual well-being and job satisfaction in teachers who adopt multiple intelligence methods in inclusive classrooms Periyar University Journal of Psychology / 2 / 1 / 68 - 73 2319-9601

564 Santhosh K R Practicing play therapy in South India-need, feasibility and implications Journal of Rural and Community Psychiatry / 2 / 4 / 52 - 60 2348-3474

565 Santhosh K R Occupational stress in relationship with resilience and its difference with respect to Yoga Practice among professionals International Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences / 1 / 1 / 26 - 32 2319-9601

566 Santhosh K R Rorschach cognitive profile of resilient young adults journal of contemporary psychological research / 3 / 1 / 46 - 57 2349-5642

567 Santhosh K R A review on the perpetrators of child abuse Review of Social Sciences / 1 / 3 / 45 - 52 2378-8550

568 Santhosh K R Purchase of team merchandise, dislike towards rival team, team affiliation, and sport consumer motives with respect to the levels of team identification among team sport fans Personality study and group behaviour / 36 / 0 / 79 - 89 0972-3803

569 Sreehari R Measuring Empathy: Reliability and Validity of Empathy Quotient International Journal of Indian Psychology / Volume 3, / Issue 3 / 176 - 182 978-1-365-12175-3

570 Tissy Mariam Thomas The Indian scenario of qualitative inquiry in psychology: Possibilities and challenges TMAIC Journal of Counselling / 2 / 2 / 45 - 58 2349-5995

571 Tony Sam George Evaluation of Personal Development Components in Counselor education Programs in India Journal of Asia Pacefic Counseling / 6 / 1 / 1 - 21 2233-6710

572 Tony Sam George Evaluation of Personal Development Components in Counselor Education Programs in India Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling / 6 / 1 / 1 - 20 2233-6710

573 Tony Sam George On the Question of Integrating Spirituality with Counselling in India Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 15 / 1 / 35 - 37 0975-329X

574 Viju P D Enhancing Social and Emotional Competence of Adolescents using Mindfulness-Based Rational Emotive Behavioural Counselling: A Pilot Study International Journal of Science and Research / 3 / 8 / 554 - 560 2319-7064

575 Viju P D The Relationship between Emotional Competence, Forgiveness, and Happiness among Adolescents Research Journal of Social Science and Management / 4 / 5 / 72 - 82 2251-1571

576 Aneesh Kumar P Abuse of Intellectually Disabled Children: Risks as Perceived by the Mothers Social Science International interdisciplinary reading / 30 / 2 / 391 - 407 0970-1087, 0976-3910

577 Aneesh Kumar P The Dynamics of Sibling Relations in Adolescent Development: Understanding the Protective and Risk Factors Indian Journal of Positive Psychology / 6 / 4 / 439 - 443 2229-4937

578 Aneesh Kumar P Abuse of Intellectually Disabled Children: Risks as Perceived by the Mothers Social Science International / 30 / 2 / 391 - 407 0970-1087

579 Anuradha S Integration of Mindful living for peaceful life The International journal's Journal Research Journal of Social Science and Management / 4 / 4 / 187 - 192 2251-1571

580 Anuradha S Self Esteem Among Physically Disabled and Visually Disabled Late Adolescents International Journal of Technical Research and Applications / Special Issue / special issue 10 / 31 - 39 2320-8163

581 Baiju Gopal Psychological Profile of Suicide Survivors:Retrospection on Decisions of Suicide International Journal of Psychosocial Research / Special Issue / / 188193 - 2320-6381

582 Baiju Gopal The Indian Scenario of Qualitative Enquiry in Psychology:Possibilities and challenges TAAIC Journal of Counselling / 2 / 2 / 45 - 59 2349-5995

583 Jayasankara Reddy K The Relationship Between Metacognition and Career Maturity Among Adolescents Indian Journal of Applied Research / 5 / 1 / 555 - 557 2249-555X

584 Jayasankara Reddy K The Impact of Dance on Stress and Life Satisfaction Among Corporate Professionals Indian Journal of Research / 4 / 3 / 6 - 8 2250-1991

585 Jayasankara Reddy K Comparing empathy in young adults of divorced and married parents Indian Journal of Applied Research / V / IV / 674 - 678 2249-555X

586 Jayasankara Reddy K Relationship between Quality of Sleep and Psychological Well-Being in Border Security Force. Indian Journal of Scientific Research / 4 / 4 / 468 - 471 2277-8179

587 Jayasankara Reddy K The role of surrender through self-compassion among young adults in long-term relationships. IJCR / 7 / 3 / 14003 - 14009 0975-833X

588 Jayasankara Reddy K Organizational role stress among government degree college teachers and bus conductors of public transpoprt in Bengaluru: a comparative study International Journal of Recent Scientific Research / IV / III / 3186 - 3189 0976-3031

589 Jayasankara Reddy K Spirituality and Job Satisfaction Among IT Personnel In Bengaluru. IJSR / IV / IV / 3186 - 3189 2277-8179

590 Madhavi Rangaswamy Understanding alcohol use disorders with neuroelectrophysiology Handbook of Clinical Neurology - Alcohol and the nervous system / 125 / / 383 - 414 0072-9752, 2212-4152

591 Madhavi Rangaswamy Genes associated with alcohol outcomes show enrichment of effects with broad externalizing and impulsivity phenotypes in an independent sample. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs / 76 / 1 / 38 - 46 1937-1888, 1938-4114

592 Nisha James Test Construction of Caregiver Collusion Questionnaire Psychological Studies / 59 / 4 / 436 - 438 0033-2968

593 Padmakumari P Mental health through forgiveness: Exploring the roots and benefits Cogent Psychology / 3 / 1 / 1 - 16 2331-1908

594 Rituparna Chakraborty Body Image and its Relation with the Concept of Physical Self Among Adolescents and Young Adults? Psychological studies / 59 / 4 / 419 - 426 0033-2968, 0974-9861

595 Tissy Mariam Thomas Gender and age dimensions of occupational stress and dissociative features among IT professionals nternational Journal of Indian Psychology / 3 / 1 / 124 - 148 2439-3429

596 Tony Sam George Men's Experiences of Depression and the Family's Role in Gender Socialization: A Phenomenological Study from Urban South India Journal of Comparitive Family Studies / 43 / Special Issue / 93 - 131 0047-2328

597 Vijaya R Study of Psychological Wellbeing of Employees in a Manufacturing Industry Journal of Psychosocial Research / 7 / 2 / 297 - 303 0973-5410

598 Viju P D Setting the Children's Teeth on Edge? The Influence of Parental Alcoholism on Children's Well being Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 14 / 1 / 113 - 113 0975-329X

599 Anuradha S Experiences of Female Breast Cancer Survivors on their Appearance Related Issues Impacting their identity International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications / 3 / 6 / 1 - 7 2250-3153

600 Anuradha S Intelligence in children whose either parent is treated for schizophrenia Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Health Sciences / 2 / 4 / 119 - 123 2319-5584

601 Anuradha S Exploring the factors that help an individual to abstain from alcohol for a period of more than ten years Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences / 3 / 2 / 9 - 16 2319-8834

602 Anuradha S Marital Adjustments in women after one year of mastectomy Global Journal of Biology, Agruculture and Health Sciences / 3 / 1 / 43 - 47 2319-5584

603 Anuradha S Exploring the experiences of Adolescents on peer influence Global Journal of Biology, Agruculture and Health Sciences / 3 / 1 / 174 - 184 2319-5584

604 Anuradha S Exploring the experience of parents on peer influence on their adolescent children Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences / 3 / 3 / 172 - 184 2319-8834

605 Anuradha S The effect of the positioning of webpage Banner advertisements on implicit and explicit memory Global Journal of Commerce and Management Perspective / 3 / 2 / 120 - 124 2319-7285

606 Anuradha S The effect of major and minor music on the levels of perceived stress among final year post graduate students Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture & Health Sciences / 3 / 1 / 52 - 60 2319-5584

607 Baiju Gopal Acculturation and Ethnic Identity of Third Generation Chinese-Indian,Young Adults TMAIC Journal of Counselling / 2 / 1 / 29 - 43 2349-5995

608 Jayasankara Reddy K The Multifaceted Aspects of Infertility International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) / 5 / 10 / 168 - 172 2319-7064

609 Jayasankara Reddy K Psychological distress in diabetes: A critical review. IJRSR / 4 / 9 / 1380 - 1384 0976-3031

610 Jayasankara Reddy K Psychocardiology: Recognizing and addressing the Profound Impact of Psychosocial Factors on Cardiac Health. Indian Journal of Applied research / 3 / 8 / 526 - 529 2249-555X

611 Jayasankara Reddy K Psychosocial Aspects of Infertility Indian Journal of Applied Research / 3 / 8 / 634 - 639 2249-555X

612 Jayasankara Reddy K Psycho-social care for family caregivers of patients with cancer : A critical review Indian Journal of Health and Well-being / 4 / 7 / 1474 - 1478 2229-5356

613 Jayasankara Reddy K Stress and coping strategies among primary school teachers CMRIMS Journal of Research and Development / 1 / 1 / 25 - 30 2321-5046

614 Jayasankara Reddy K Psychosocial care for family caregivers of patient with breast cancer : Critical Review CMRIMS Jouranal Research and Development / 1 / 1 / 50 - 58 2321-5046

615 Jayasankara Reddy K Use of relaxation therapy in the enhancement of mindfulness International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Research / 5 / 3 / 601 - 604 0976-3031

616 Jayasankara Reddy K Effect of Government Policies on Self-Worth of Male and Female Adolescents in Indian Government Schools. Indian Journal of Science and Technology / 8 / 21 / 1 - 3 0974-5645

617 Madhavi Rangaswamy Genetic and neurophysiological correlates of the age of onset of alcohol use disorders in adolescents and young adults. Behavior Genetics / 43 / 5 / - 0001-8244, 1573-3297

618 Madhavi Rangaswamy How phenotype and developmental stage affect the genes we find: GABRA2 and impulsivity. Twin Research and Human Genetics / 16 / 3 / 661 - 669 1832-4274, 1839-2628

619 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Mitochondrial alterations and oxidative stress in an acute transient mouse model of muscle degeneration: implications for muscular dystrophy and related muscle pathologies Journal of Biological Chemistry / 289 / 1 / 485 - 509 1083-351X

620 Padmakumari P Recent trends in Alexithymia International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences / 4 / 3 / 106 - 111 2163-1948

621 Santhosh K R Positive affect in relation to AD likeness and preference to buy among the high and low emotionally intelligent young adults International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management / 3 / 9 / 97 - 101 2231-4245

622 Santhosh K R The effects of resilience on burnout among the blue collared employees in metal factories EXCEL International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies / 3 / 6 / 48 - 55 2249-8834

623 Santhosh K R Resilience in relation to hope and empathy among the spouses of psychiatric patients International Journal of PsychoSocial Research / 2 / 1 / 10 - 15 2320-6381

624 Tissy Mariam Thomas Creativity and Triguna Personality of Managers Journal of Organisation and Human Behavior / 2 / 1 / -

625 Tissy Mariam Thomas Parentification in adolescent children of fathers with alcoholism TMAI Journal of Counselling / 2 / 1 / 68 - 84 2349-5995

626 Tissy Mariam Thomas Psychological and attachment problems of adolescents in relation to paternal alcohol use disorder TMAI Journal of Counselling / 2 / 1 / 85 - 98 2349-5995

627 Tony Sam George Evaluating Social desirability bias in assessment Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing / 5 / 8 / 948 - 950 2229-5356

628 Tony Sam George Psychological Components for Marital Distress and Divorce in Newlywed Indian Couples Journal of Divorce and Remarraige / 56 / 1 / 1 - 24 1050-2556, 1540-4811

629 Vijaya R Subjective Well Being And Job Satisfaction Among Survivors Of Economic Downturn Indian Journal of Applied Research / 1 / 8 / 169 - 172 2249-555X

630 Viju P D Adolescent's social and emotional competence: Development and validation of adolescent social competence scale (ASCS) Asian Journal of Development Matters / 6 / 2 / 293 - 306 0973-9629

631 Aditi Ashok Arur Negotiating meanings of gender justice: Critical reflections on dialogs and debates in a non-governmental organization (NGO) International Journal of Educational Development / 33 / 6 / 576 - 584 0738-0593

632 Aiswarya V R Psychological Management Techniques for Epileptic Children: A Review based Meta Analytical study REYONO Journal of interdisciplinary studies / 2 / 1 / 65 - 72 2277-7652

633 Aneesh Kumar P Children with special needs: An exploration of child care from the perspective of their guardians and service providers Indian Journal of Positive Psychology / 4 / 4 / 472 - 477 2229-4937

634 Aneesh Kumar P Parent's perception about children?s academic stress and child care related issues. Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing / 3 / 3 / 608 - 612 2229-5356

635 Aneesh Kumar P Students' perception of abuse and neglect Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing / 4 / 6 / 1360 - 1365 2229-5356

636 Aneesh Kumar P The Health Locus of Control among Adolescents: Identifying Health Behaviours and Risks Periyar University Journal of Psychology / 1 / 2 / 47 - 53 2319-9601

637 Baiju Gopal Revisiting Psychotherapeutic Practices in Karnataka, India: Lessons from Indigenous Healing Methods International Journal of Health Promotion and Education / 49 / 3 / - 1463-5240

638 Elizabeth Thomas Awakening India's Psyche Therapy Today / 24 / 7 / 34 - 35 1748-7846

639 Jayasankara Reddy K A study of gender difference in job satisfaction among government degree college teachers in Bengaloru. International Journal of Psychosocial Research / 1 (2) / 2 / 68 - 71 2320-6381

640 Jayasankara Reddy K Causes of stress among the caregivers of lymphoma and lung cancer patients in palliative care. International Journal of Psychosocial Research / 1 / 2 / 48 - 57 2320-6381

641 Jayasankara Reddy K Relationship between quality of life and self-efficacy among the caregivers of palliative care patients of lung and breast cancer. International Journal of Scientific Research / 2 / 2 / 67 - 72 2277-8179

642 Jayasankara Reddy K A Comparison of Happiness among men and women college teachers in Bangalore Indian Journal of Applied Research / 3 / 4 / 113 - 114 2249-555X

643 Madhavi Rangaswamy A model to determine the likely age of an adolescent's first drink of alcohol. Pediatrics / 131 / 2 / 242 - 248 0191-9601, 1526-3347

644 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Therapeutic potential of natural products in Parkinson?s Disease Recent patents on Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Drug Discovery / 6 / 3 / 181 - 200 1872-2148, 2212-3334

645 Padmakumari P Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behavior among Store Executives Human Resource Management Research / 3 / 4 / 124 - 149 2169-9607

646 Sudhesh N T Life Skills Training for Adolescence Through Teachers International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research / 1 / 6 / 61 - 70 2277-7881

647 Sudhesh N T Exploration of Gifted Adolescent's Coping Patterns Education Today - An International Journal of Education & Humanities / 1 / 6 / 61 - 70 2277-7881

648 Sudhesh N T Training Need Analysis: A Preliminary Step to Design Trainers Area of Interest International Multidesciplinary E-Journal / 1 / 6 / 32 - 36 2277-4262

649 Sudhesh N T Role of Life Skills for Conflict Management and Sustainable Peace The Resaercher / 6 / 1 / 60 - 66

650 Sudhesh N T Training Need Analysis of School Teachers International Journal of Education and Management studies / 2 / 2 / 135 - 138 2231-5632

651 Surekha C Role of Parental Attachment and Family Connectedness as Protective Factors against Suicide among Early Adults International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences / 3 / 4 / 14 - 34 2249-5894

652 Surekha C Perceptions of disability, family environment and problems faced by siblings of children with autism Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing / 1 / 2 / -

653 Tissy Mariam Thomas In Search of Feminine Identity: Recollections from the Childhood Experiences of Hijras in Bangalore, India ISSBD Bullettin / 37 / 6 / 27 - 35 2040-5243

654 Tissy Mariam Thomas The relationship between level of intelligence and social maturity among children with autism. The Learning Curve / 3 / 1 / 68 - 77

655 Vijaya R Motivation, Well-Being &Adjustment Of Economic Downturn Survivors: An Empirical Study In A Manufacturing Industry Global Research Analysis / 1 / 2 / 94 - 96 2277-8160

656 Viju P D Adolescent emotional and moral competence as antecedents tom leadership skills Progressive Outlook / 3 / 1-A / 155 - 166 2231-2358

657 Jayasankara Reddy K A study on social support and family wellbeing among primary caregiver's of mentally ill patients. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Neuro Science. / 2 / 1 / 1 - 19 2277-6427

658 Madhavi Rangaswamy Family-based genome-wide association study of frontal theta oscillations identifies potassium channel gene KCNJ6 Genes, Brain and Behavior / 11 / 6 / 712 - 719 1601-183X

659 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Increased Oxidative Damage and Decreased Antioxidant Function in Aging Human Substantia Nigra Compared to Striatum: Implications for Parkinson's Disease Neurochemical Research / 37 / 2 / 358 - 369 1573-6903

660 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Bacopa monnieri extract offsets rotenone-induced cytotoxicity in dopaminergic cells and oxidative impairments in mice brain Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology / 32 / 3 / 455 - 465 1573-6830

661 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Curcumin: a potential neuroprotective agent in Parkinson?s disease.? Current Pharmaceutical Design current pharmaceutical design / 18 / 1 / 91 - 99 1381-6128, 1873-4286

662 Padmakumari P Emotional intelligence and General Well being among Middle aged people International Journal of Research in Social Sciences / 2 / 4 / 454 - 471 2496-0558

663 Sudhesh N T Role of Parenting style and Parenting stress upon Behavioural problems of Learning Disabled Children Indian Journal of Health and Well-being / 2 / special issue / 576 - 581 2229-5356

664 Sudhesh N T Stress and Coping Patterns among Gifted Children: An Exploration Disabilities and Impairments / 26 / 1 / 49 - 56 0970-356X

665 Sudhesh N T Stress and Coping Patterns among Gifted Children: An Exploration INDIAN JOURNAL OF Life skills Education / 3 / 2 / 603 - 612 0975-6019

666 Surekha C Gender Differences: Perception of teasing and body image among young adults Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing / 4 / 3 / 487 - 490 2229-5356

667 Varghese K J "Revisiting psycho therapeutic Practices in Karnataka, India: Lessons from Indigenous Healing Methods" International Journal of Health Promotion and Education / 49 / 3 / 129 - 136 1463-5240

668 Baiju Gopal Revisiting Psychotherapy in India: Lessons from indigenous healing methods International Journal of Health Promotion / 49 / 3 / 129 - 136 1463-5240

669 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Glutamoyldiester of the dietary polyphenol curcumin offers improved protection against peroxynitrite-mediated nitrosative stress and damage of brain mitochondria in vitro: implications for Parkinson's disease Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry / 347 / / 135 - 143 1573-4919

670 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Chronic dietary supplementation with turmeric protects against 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-mediated neurotoxicity in vivo: implications for Parkinson?s disease British Journal of Nutrition / 106 / 1 / 63 - 72 1475-2662

671 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Evaluation of Markers of Oxidative Stress, Antioxidant Function and Astrocytic Proliferation in the Striatum and Frontal Cortex of Parkinson's Disease Brains Neurochemical Research / 36 / 8 / 1452 - 1463 1573-6903

672 Tissy Mariam Thomas Revisiting Psychotherapy in India: Lessons from indigenous healing methods International Journal of Health Promotion / 49 / 3 / 129 - 136 1463-5240

673 Baiju Gopal Lunatic asylums in Kerala: Emergence of a 'science' over the indigenous observances of insanity (abstract) Journal of Psychological Studies / 54 / 4 / - 003-2968

674 Madhavi Rangaswamy Priming deficiency in male subjects at risk for alcoholism: The N4 during a lexical decision task Alcohol Clinical and Experimental Research / 33 / 12 / 2027 - 2036 2993-7175

675 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Muscarinic receptor 1 agonist activity of novel N-aryl carboxamide substituted 3-morpholinoarecoline derivatives in Alzheimer's presenile dementia models Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry / 17 / 15 / 5526 - 5534 1464-3391

676 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Bioconjugates of curcumin display improved protection against glutathione depletion mediated oxidative stress in a dopaminergic neuronal cell line: Implications for Parkinson?s disease Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry / 18 / 7 / 2631 - 2638 1464-3391

677 Sreenath K Resilience and Quality of Work Life among Textile Employees. Indian Journal of Applied Psychology / 47 / 1 / 16 - 20 0019-5073

678 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Biochemical analysis of protein stability in human brain collected at different post-mortem intervals Indian Journal of Medical Research / 129 / 2 / 189 - 199 0975-9174

679 Anuradha S Neuro psychological Functioning in Children of Patients with Schizophrenia Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Online / / / - 1359-7620

680 Anuradha S Cognitive functioning in Schizophrenia: Its relevance to rehabilitation Indian Journal of Medical Research / 126 / 5 / 414 - 416 0971-5916

681 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Integrating glutathione metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction with implications for Parkinson?s disease: A dynamic model Neuroscience / / / 917 - 930 1873-7544

682 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Curcumin treatment alleviates the effects of glutathione depletion in vitro and in vivo: Therapeutic implications for Parkinson?s Disease explained via in silico studies Free Radical Biology and Medicine / 44 / 5 / 907 - 917 1873-4596

683 Mythri Rajeswara Babu Mitochondrial Complex I Inhibition in Parkinson's Disease: How Can Curcumin Protect Mitochondria? Antioxidants & Redox Signaling / 9 / / 399 - 408 1557-7716

684 Anita Rao Mysore Verbal creativity: The effect of the sessions on imaginative stories. Journal of Indian Education / / / 52 - 56 0377-0435

685 Anita Rao Mysore Attitudes of preservice teachers toward issues in multicultural education Working Papers in Educational Linguistics / 21 / 2 / 73 - 85 1548-3134

686 Madhavi Rangaswamy Beta power in the EEG of alcoholics Biological Psychiatry / 52 / 8 / - 0006-3223

Sl.No. Author/Co-Author Type of Work Title of the Paper Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study ISSN Academic Year
1 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,UPASANA,SIBANATH, SHAYANA Reference book Handbook of Youth Development Current Trends in Career Decision in Youth: Opportunities and Challenges 978-981-99-4969-4 2024
2 JAYASANKARA REDDY K (1241) Reference book The Theory and Practice of Positive Neuropsychology: New Perspectives on Nurturing Wellbeing 978-104022691-9 2024
3 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,SNEHA VINAY HARITSA,AEIMAN RAFIQ Reference book Child Safety, Welfare and Well-being: Issues and Challenges Psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizures in Children 978-981-16-9819-4 2024
4 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,SAHEN GUPTA,SIBNATH DEB, SHAYANA DEB Reference book Handbook of Youth Development Positive People and Confident Competitors: Resilient Youth Development Through Sport and Physical Activity 978-981-99-4969-4 2024
5 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,TRINA BENERGEE,SIBNATH DEB, SHAYANA DEB Reference book Handbook of Youth Development Suicide and Youth: Positive Psychology Perspective 978-981-99-4969-4 2024
6 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,SUKRITI PANT, BHUVANA MANOHARI NATARAJ,SIBANATH, SHAYANA Reference book Handbook of Youth Development Youth and Media Literacy in the Age of Social Media 978-981-99-4969-4 2024
7 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,ALFONSO, T. Text book Cognitive behavioral neuroscience in organizational settings 979-836931859-1 2024
8 ANURADHA S,MUSKAN GARG,DEEPAK KUMAR,DEBABRATA SAMADA Reference book Impact of Climate Change on Social and Mental Well-Being 9780443237881; 9780443237898 2024
9 ANURADHA S,SATHIYA SEELAN B,BIJU K C Text book Strategic Teaching in the Hybrid Classroom: Pedagogical Wellness 979-8-89530-022-0 2024
10 PRIYADARSHINI M S,SMITHA A G,VIJAYA R ,JAYASANKARA REDDY K,THADDEUS ALFONSO Text book Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience in Organizational Settings Cognitive Synergy: Enhancing Late Career Engagement With Ergonomic Solutions 9798369318584 2024
11 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,JOSEPH, ALWIN A; CHANDRA J. B; BANERJEE, BONNY C; ,ANITHA S. PILLAI, BINDU MENON Reference book Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Neuroimaging Data Analysis Applications of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models in Brain Imaging Analysis 978-100381554-9 2024
12 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book Principles and clinical interventions in social cognition 979-836931266-7, 979-836931265-0 2024
13 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,ANTHONY, MADALAIMUTHU A; KUMAR, GANESH A; RANGANAT Reference book Principles and Clinical Interventions in Social Cognition Tracing the impact of social media on social cognition: Bibliometric analysis 979-836931266-7 2024
14 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,JACOB, LEEMA Reference book Principles and Clinical Interventions in Social Cognition Unlocking eudaimonic well-being: Assessing the impact of adolescent social cognitive skills training 979-836931265-0 2024
15 JAYASANKARA REDDY K (1241) Reference book Principles and Clinical Interventions in Social Cognition Editorial Preface 979-836931266-7, 979-836931265-0 2024
16 JAYASANKARA REDDY K (1241) Reference book Principles and clinical interventions in social cognition 979-836931266-7, 979-836931265-0 2024
17 ADITI ASHOK ARUR,JOAN DEJAEGHERE,JULIA COOK,QUENTIN MAIRE,JOHANNA WYN Reference book Longitudinal Methods in Youth Research. Perspectives on Children and Young People Using Prospective and Retrospective Interviews to Understand Girls? Educational Aspirations, Subjectivities and Social Change. 978-981-97-2332-4 2024
18 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,ALFONSO, T. Reference book Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience in Organizational Settings 9798369318584 2024
19 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,ALFONSO, THADDEUS Reference book Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience in Organizational Settings Preface - Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience in Organizational Settings 9798369318584 2024
20 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,ALANA JANI,THADDEUS ALFONSO Text book Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience in Organizational Settings Enhancing Neurocognitive Skills for Effective Leadership and Decision-Making 9798369318584 2024
21 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,RICHA,THADDEUS ALFONSO Reference book Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience in Organizational Settings Neuroscience of Social Understanding 9798369318584 2024
22 ANURADHA S,SATHIYA SEELAN B Reference book Promoting Mindfulness and Well-Being with Indian Psychology 9798369326510 2024
23 ANITA RAO MYSORE (2827) Reference book Challenging bias and promoting transformative education in public schooling through critical literacy Narratives on using critical approaches in teacher education 1668496704 2024
24 SMITHA PHILIP,REEM KHAMIS , AMINA BUALLAY Conference Proceedings AI in Business : Opportunities and Limitations, Volume 2 Mediating Effect of Digital Literacy Between Attitude Towards AI and Job Insecurity Among HR Professionals 978-3-031-49544-1 2024
25 RITUPARNA CHAKRABORTY,DIYA MARIAM CHACKO,DEBABRATA SAMANTA AND MUSKAN GARG Reference book The Climate Change Crisis and Its Impact on Mental Health Disproportionate Impact of Climate Change: Housing Crisis and Displacement among the Transgender Community in India 9798369332726 2024
26 AISWARYA V R,AMMU ELIZABETH ALEXANDER,JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book Principles and Clinical Interventions in Social Cognition. Enhancing Social Cognition in Individuals With ADHD: An Eastern Approach 9798369312650 2024
27 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,UNNA G HUNJAN Reference book Glimpses of School Psychology 978-93-91690-92-2 2024
28 PRIYADARSHINI M S,RITHANI,S. SHAKSHITHA,ANURADHA S,SATHIYA SEELAN B Reference book Global Applications of Indian Psychology: Therapeutic and Strategic Models Management Practices on Execution Effectiveness of Strategies Based on Thirukkural 9781668497784|ISBN10: 1668497786 2024
29 JAYASANKARA REDDY K (1241) Text book Essentials of Neuropsychology : Integrating Eastern and Western Perspectives Essentials of Neuropsychology : Integrating Eastern and Western Perspectives 9781032639789 2024
30 ANEESH KUMAR P,RITHU PAUL,PETER J.O. ALOKA Reference book Mental Health Crisis in Higher Education The Wellbeing Van: A Strength-Based Model for Student Engagement and Promoting Student Wellbeing 979-836932834-7, 979-836932833-0 2024
31 ANURADHA S,LIJO THOMAS,SATHIYA SEELAN B,JOSEPH C C,ELANGOVAN N,VICTOR PAUL Reference book Models of social responsibility action by higher education institutions Developing authentic thought leaders through the DREAMS model of social action 979-8-89113-097-5 2024
32 AKANKSHA RANI,EVENTQUALIA Conference Proceedings Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence (Org.) Experience Of Smartphone Addiction Among Adolescents During Covid 19 In Kerala 978-989-53545-6-6 2024
33 SREENATH K,VAISHNAVI AGARWAL,ADITI RASTOGI,ANIKA TYAGI,ASHI BANSAL,ANURADHA S,SATHIYA SEELAN B Text book Global Applications of Indian Psychology: Therapeutic and Strategic Models Interconnections of Yogic Practices With Mental Health 9781668497791 2023
34 ANURADHA S,SATHIYA SEELAN B,BISHAL PATANGIA,SOUMYA R R Reference book Global Applications of Indian Psychology: Therapeutic and Strategic Models Indian Psychology: Challenges, Strategies and Prospects in Education 9781668497784|ISBN10: 1668497786 2023
35 ANURADHA S,SATHIYA SEELAN B Reference book Global Applications of Indian Psychology: Therapeutic and Strategic Models 9781668497784|ISBN10: 1668497786 2023
36 ANURADHA S,SATHIYA SEELAN B Reference book Global Applications of Indian Psychology: Therapeutic and Strategic Models Preface 9781668497784|ISBN10: 1668497786 2023
37 HEMANGI NARAYAN NARVEKAR,DR. SARAH GHANI,POOJA VERMA,POOJA RAI,ALKA RANJAN Reference book Alternative Therapies Across Ages: A Psychological Perspectives Animal-Assisted Therapy in the Multidisciplinary Management of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 8175102764 2023
38 BHUVANA MANOHARI N,SUKRITI PANT,JAYASANKARA REDDY K,SIBNATH DEB,SHAYANA DEB Reference book Handbook of Youth Development: Policies and perspective from India and beyond Youth and Media Literacy in the Age of Social Media 978-981-99-4969-4, 978-981-99-4968-7 2023
39 ANURADHA S,SATHIYA SEELAN B,BIJU K C,BISHAL PATANGIA Text book Workbookn on Online merge offline (OMO) wellbeing for learners and educators 978-93-95830-50-8 2023
40 UMA KRISHNAN,SANJEEV KUMAR GUPTA Text book Handbook of Research on Child and Adolescent Psychology Practices and Interventions Animal-assisted Therapy for Children and Adolescents with Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Review 9781668499832 2023
41 HEMANGI NARAYAN NARVEKAR,UMA KRISHNAN,SANJEEV KUMAR GUPTA Reference book Handbook of Research on Child and Adolescent Psychology Practices and Interventions Animal-assisted Therapy for Children and Adolescents with Neurodevelopmental Disorders 9781668499832 2023
42 BAIJU GOPAL,DEBORAH YAZHINI CHARLES,SHUBHANGINIDEVI JHALA,JOSEPH C C,MADHUMATI DESHPANDE,PAUL HONG Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Culture as an Anchor for Responses to the Pandemic 9789819978014 2023
43 MYTHRI RAJESWARA BABU (3619) Reference book Ayurvedic Herbal preparations in Neurological disorders Phytochemicals for neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation: medicine of the future or a mirage? 978-0-443-19084-1 2023
44 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,UNNATI G HUNJAN,HEMANGI NARAYAN NARVEKAR,PRIYANKA JHA Reference book Glimpses of School Psychology Animal-Assisted Intervention For Schools 978-93-91690-92-2 2023
45 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,UNNATI HUNJAN,BHAVLEEN G SINGH,MOHD IMADUDDIN FAROOQUI Reference book Glimpses of School Psychology Animal-Assisted Therapy In Special Education 978-93-91690-92-2 2023
46 VIJAYA R ,KIYOJI, MASAYOSHI, SHIGERU, ELIZABETH, AND LINDA Text book Developing Inclusive Environments in Education: Global Practices and Curricula Playing with Differences: Social-Emotional Learning to reduce bullying and promote inclusivity 2023
47 ANURADHA S,BISHAL PATANGIA,SOUMONETRA CHOUDARY,DATTAVI JARIWALA,B.S.PARIMAL,KAVITA GUPTA Reference book Perspectives on Coping Strategies for Menstrual and Premenstrual Distress Effect of menstrual distress on interpersonal relationships, school absenteeism, work productivity, and academic performance 9781668450888 2023
48 RITUPARNA CHAKRABORTY (2971) Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century ?Superwoman?: New-Age Identity of Working Mothers in India 2023
49 MANJUSHA WARRIER G,RENI THOMAS & SOYUZ JOHN Reference book Substance Use Treatment A Psychosocial Perspective Families as Partners in the Treatment Of Persons with Substance Abuse Disorders 978-93-5673-287-2 2023
50 PATRICK JUDE L,DR K SEKAR,DR C JAYAKUMAR Text book National Disaster Management Training Module - Psychosocial First Aid 2023
51 PATRICK JUDE L,DR K. SEKAR,DR C. JAYAKUMAR Text book National Disaster Management Training Module: Psychosocial Care in Disasters 2023
52 PATRICK JUDE L Text book National Disaster Management Training Module: Psychosocial Preparedness 2023
53 PATRICK JUDE L,DR D. DINAKARAN,DR K. SEKAR,DR JAYAKUMAR C. Text book National Disaster Management Training Module: Disaster Mental Health Services 2023
54 MAHARISHI R (3088) Text book Acceleration of the Biopsychosocial Model in Public Health Neuropsychological Functions and Optimism Levels in Stroke Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study 9781668464960 2023
55 HEMA M A,RASHMI,AMIT BHOWMICK Text book Unequal Images: Looking Through Gender Lens Conception of Kodava Women: A Narrative 978-93-94569-52-2 2023
56 VIJAYA R ,IGI GLOBAL Reference book Practical strategies to reduce childhood trauma and mitigate exposure to the school-to-prison pipeline Emotional Coaching: A Technique to Regulate School Bullying 9781799898054 2023
57 ANURADHA S,LIYA JOY,SCIENCE SOCIETY Conference Proceedings InternationalConferenceonGlobalEconomyinBusiness,Management, SocialScienceandHumanityPerspective(ICGEBMSSHP-2023) Dealing with stress, death anxiety, meaning in life with movement therapy - a study on cancer survivors 2023
58 AMMU ELIZABETH ALEXANDER (3604) Reference book Management of Problem behaviours in young children with Autism spectrum disorders Management of persistent problm behaviours using behavioural paradigms 2022
59 BAIJU GOPAL,DEBORAH YAZHINI CHARLES Reference book Theyyam :A photo Book 978-81-955810-3-0 2022
60 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,SNEHA VINAY HARITSA,AEIMAN RAFIQ,SIBNATH DEB Reference book Child Safety, Welfare and Well-being: Issues and Challenges Psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizures in Children: Prevention and Intervention Strategies 978-981-16-9819-4 2022
61 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,G BALASUBRAMANIAN,SIBNATH DEB Reference book Child Safety, Welfare and Well-being: Issues and Challenges Misuse of Internet Among School Children: Risk Factors and Preventative Measures 978-981-16-9820-0 2022
62 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,BHUVANA MANOHARI NATARAJ,BHUVANA MANOHARI NATARAJ, SUKRITI PANT,SIBNATH DEB Reference book Child Safety, Welfare and Well-being: Issues and Challenges Child Mental Health in the Milieu of Online Education 978-981-16-9820-0 2022
63 ANITA RAO MYSORE (2827) Reference book Narratives of South Asian and South Asian American Social Justice Educators Looking Back, Looking Forward 978-1-66690-974-6 2022
64 ANURADHA S,SATHIYA SEELAN B,MICHAEL ZIRKLER,VOLKER SCHULTE, CHRISTOPH STEINEBACH&KLASKE N VETH Reference book Mindful Leadership in Practice - Tradition Leads to the Future Is Mindfulness a Key Characteristic of a Jugaad Leader? 978-3-030-97310-0 2022
65 ANURADHA S,SATHIYA SEELAN B,MICHAEL ZIRKLER,VOLKER SCHULTE, CHRISTOPH STEINEBACH&KLASKE N VETH Reference book Mindful Leadership in Practice - Tradition Leads to the Future Is Mindfulness a Key Characteristic of a Jugaad Leader? 978-3-030-97310-0 2022
66 ANITA RAO MYSORE Reference book Narratives of South Asian and South Asian American Social Justice Educators 978-1-66690-974-6 2022
67 ANEESH KUMAR P,JENIFFER M FOSTER ,BRIANNE KRAMER,JENNIFER MCKENZIE Reference book Children and Trauma: Critical Perspectives for Meeting the Needs of Diverse Educational Communities Understanding the Impact of Trauma on School-Age Children and Their Families 9781975503437 2022
68 RITUPARNA CHAKRABORTY,ANEESH KUMAR P,SIBNATH DEB Reference book Child Safety, Welfare and Wellbeing: Issues and Challenges (2nd Ed) Children Witnessing Violence in India: Nature, Risk Factors, Impact and Prevention Strategies 978-981-16-9820-0 Print ISBN 978-981-16 2022
69 BHUVANA MANOHARI N,JAYASANKARA REDDY K,SUKRITI PANT,SIBNATH DEB Reference book Child Safety, Welfare and Well-being Child Mental Health in the Milieu of Online Education 978-981-16-9820-0, 978-981-16-9819-4 2022
70 ADITI ASHOK ARUR,MANSI SHARMA,JOAN G DEJAEGHERE,ERIN MURPHY-GRAHAM Reference book Life Skills Education for Youth: Critical Perspectives Career Life Skills for 10th Grade Boys in Delhi, India: Mapping Information Literacies for Sustainable Development 978-3-030-85216-0 2022
71 CATHLYN NIRANJANA BENNETT,SMITHA BABOO,YOGESH KANNA S,CAROL-ANN LANE Reference book Handbook of Research on Acquiring 21st Century Literacy Skills Through Game-Based Learning A Systematic Review on the Neuro-Cognitive Correlates of Game-Based Learning in Higher Education Learning Environment 9781799872719 2021
72 MADHAVI RANGASWAMY,MICHAEL MOSES T,BALACHANDRAN K,DR. KUKATLAPALLI PRADEEP KUMAR,DR AYNUR UNAL,MR VINAY JHA PILLAI,DR HARI MURTHY M,DR NIRANJANAMURTHY M Reference book Data Engineering and Data Science : Concepts and Applications Unobtrusive Engagement Detection through Semantic Pose Estimation and Lightweight ResNet for an Online Class Environment 1119841879 2021
73 AKANKSHA RANI,DR. K JANAKI RAMAN,SUNU MERLA Reference book Strategies to Promote Drug Demand Reduction Stress and Substance use among Police Personnel 978-81-951544-0-1 2021
74 VIJAYA R ,SRUTHI SURESH,JOSEPH VARGHESE ,THOMAS K.A,KUREETHARA J.V,BHATTACHARYYA S Reference book Neuro-Systemic Applications in Learning Starting from the Roots of Teacher Education: Inclusion of Educational Neuroscience in Teacher Training in India 978-3-030-72400-9 2021
75 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,SNEHA VINAY HARITSA, ,AEIMAN RAFIQ,KENNEDY ANDREW THOMASJOSEPH VARGHESE KUREETHARASID Reference book Neuro-Systemic Applications in Learning Importance of Brain-Based Learning in Effective Teaching Process 978-3-030-72400-9 2021
76 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,UNNATI HUNJAN,PRIYANKA JHA,KENNEDY ANDREW THOMASJOSEPH VARGHESE KUREETHARA Reference book Neuro-Systemic Applications in Learning Brain-Based Learning Method: Opportunities and Challenges 978-3-030-72400-9 2021
77 ADITI ASHOK ARUR (3036) Reference book Recognizing connectedness: The practice of feminist evaluation Girls - agency in delaying marriage: A gender, caste and sexuality perspective 9789390514397 2021
78 ANURADHA S,RAYMOND ROCKY TETE,DRS.VIBHASRI GURJAL,POOJA VERMA,SUKRITI PANDA Conference Proceedings Hope, Efficacy, Resilience,Optimism Towards Holistic Living Enhancing Bonding between Scheduled Tribe Parents and their Emerging Adults through PERMA 978-93-85327-63-6 2021
79 CATHLYN NIRANJANA BENNETT,JAMUNA RAJESWARAN,MOHAMMED AFSAR,A. VINCENT THAMBURAJ Reference book Comprehensive Neurosurgery Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 978-81-952852-3-5 2021
80 ANURADHA S,SATHIYA SEELAN B,MICHAEL ZIRKLER,VOLKER SCHULTE,CHRISTOPH STEINEBACKN KLASKE VETH(H Reference book Achtsame Führung "Mindful leadership" "Does Mindfulness a Key Characteristics of a Jugaad Leader?" ISBN 978-3-7910-5099-7 2021
81 ANEESH KUMAR P,JENIFFER FOSTER,BRIANNE KRAMER ,JENNIFER MCKENZIE Reference book Children and Trauma: Critical Perspectives for Meeting the Needs of Diverse Educational Communities Understanding the Impact of Trauma on School-Age Children and Their Families 9781975503437 2021
82 ANEESH KUMAR P,THOMAS JACOB,AJAY SINGH ,CHIA JUNG YEH,SHERESA BLANCHARD,LUIS ANUNCIAÇÃO Reference book Handbook of Research on Critical Issues in Special Education for School Rehabilitation Practices School-Based Rehabilitation Services in India: What School Counsellors Can Do 9781799876304 2021
83 BAIJU GOPAL Reference book Lingapadhavi Oru Aparichita Vyakthi Nammude Manovyaparnaalude Bhagamakumbol 9789354322877 2021
84 ANEESH KUMAR P,PRISCILLA U,SANJAY PRASAD,HG SADHU ,SUMAN VAISHNAV Reference book Child Health and Nutrition in India Mothering and child development: Impact of mothers wellbeing and beliefs on early child development 9789390366620 2021
85 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,SAHEN GUPTA,ADITHYA RAMESH Reference book Resilience, Psychoneuroimmunology and Neuropsychology: Applications in Clinical Settings Resilience, Psychoneuroimmunology and Neuropsychology: Applications in Clinical Settings 979-8586475121 2021
86 ANEESH KUMAR P,RITHU PAUL,CHERIE BARNETT GAINES,KRISTY M. HUTSON Reference book Promoting Positive Learning Experiences in Middle School Education Creating a Positive School Culture Through New Educational Practices 9781799870579; E-9781799870678 2021
87 NGAITLANG MARY TARIANG Text book Prevention and control of Non communicable diseases in Indian workplaces Prevention and control of Non communicable diseases in Indian workplaces 2021
88 SANTHOSH K R,MEBIN WILSON THOMAS,JAYASANKARA REDDY K,SAHEN GUPTA,ADITYA RAMESH Reference book Resilience, Psychoneuroimmunology, & neuropsychology Resilience in Forensic Psychology and Policing 979-8586475121 2021
89 AMMU ELIZABETH ALEXANDER,PADMAKUMARI P,JAYASANKARA REDDY K,SAHEN GUPTA,ADITYA RAMESH Reference book Resilience, Psychoneuroimmunology and Resilience: Applications in Clinical Settings The interplay of neuropsychology, psycho neuroimmunology and resilience in Autism Spectrum Disorder 979-8586475121 2021
90 BAIJU GOPAL Reference book Playback Theater Around the world :Diversity of application Playback Theater Around the world :Diversity of application 9789382305996 2020
91 SUREKHA C ,PROF. VIJAYAKUMAR R, SURJIT SINGHA Reference book Book: Impact of COVID-19 on Economy, Business, Education and Social Life Perception of Employees on Threat during COVID-19? 13: 979-8586340597 2020
92 BAIJU GOPAL Reference book The Routledge International Handbook of Race, Culture and Mental Health South Asian Healing 9781138279995 2020
93 MYTHRI RAJESWARA BABU,SHILPA BOREHALLI MAYEGOWDA,THOMAS CHRISTOFER,MUHAMMAD SAJID ARSHAD,MUHAMMAD HASEEB AHMAD Reference book Functional Foods - Phytochemicals and Health Promoting Potential Disease Modifying Potential of Functional Foods for Neurodegenerative Disorders: Status Update on Regulatory Compliance 978-1-83968-933-8 2020
94 NGAITLANG MARY TARIANG,K SANJAY KUMAR GURUDIN,ARUN B NAIR,JAYAPRAKASHAN K.P.,SREELALARAVINDAN,BIJI,BIBIN CHAND. K.S.,ADV.J. SANDHYA,ADV.PRASREEN KUNNAMPALLI,VIDHU, NSS LP SCHOOL, KAPPU,JAYASREE. M.S. Text book Toolkit for Safe Internet Children and Police State Resource Centre Kerala State A CAP for Care and Protection Funded by UNICEF Psychological Perspective, Judicious Internet Skills & Legal Provisions 2020
95 SONIA DAVID (3570) Reference book Positive Psychology for the Not So Positive Positive Psychology for the Not So Positive 978-1648696848 2020
96 SONIA DAVID (3570) Text book Handbook of Therapies for School Counsellors Handbook of Therapies for School Counsellors 978-1648925511 2020
97 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,SAOWALAK LANGGAPIN, PH.D,SAMAI SIRITHONGTHAWORN, M.D.,YEN KUANG YANG, M.D. Reference book Status Report on Children with Developmental Delay and Neurodevelopmental Disorders in South-East Asia Current Status for Children with Developmental Delay and Neurodevelopmental Disorders 2020
98 SANTHOSH K R Reference book Developmental Challenges and Societal Issues for Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities Role of Stress and Age in Resilience Among Parents of the Children with Intellectual Disability 9781799812234 2020
99 ANEESH KUMAR P,RITHU PAUL,SMITHA DESAI Reference book Ms How and me- Short stories and more on Inclusion Fostering school-parent partnerships for diverse classrooms 9781647339791 2020
100 BHASKER MALU,MOOSATH HARISHANKAR VASUDEVAN Text book Summarizing Psychology Summarizing Psychology 9789389530469 2019
101 VIJU P D ,NAIJU JOSE KALAMBUKATTU Text book Raymond A Carmelite Patriarch Of Gangakshetra Forming Shepherds after His Own Heart: Raymond's Vision of Holistic Formation. 978-81-938683-1-7 2019
102 MYTHRI RAJESWARA BABU,M.M. SRINIVAS BHARATH,TAHIRA FAROOQUI,AKHLAQ A. FAROOQUI Reference book Curcumin for Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders CURCUMIN FOR NEUROLOGICAL AND PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS Neurochemical and Pharmacological Properties Omics and Epigenetics of Polyphenol-Mediated Neuroprotection: The Curcumin Perspective 9780128154618 2019
103 YUVARAJ S,VIJAYA R ,SHAILAJA KARVE,MEGHA GUPTA Conference Proceedings Compendium of 6th International HR Conference Proceedings, Demystifying Team Dynamics Team Cohesiveness and its Effectiveness with respect to Team Building Training Programme 978-81-934533-7-7 2019
104 ANURADHA S,SHEETHAL LAWRENCE,ANEESH KR,SAJU MD,SUNIROSE IP Conference Proceedings Proceedings of Global Socialwork Conference on multisectoral and interdisciplinary responses to health and well being Self Perception, Student engagement and Emotional Competence in adolescents with learning disability 9789387862470 2019
105 ANURADHA S,KISHORE KUMAR,ANEESH KR,SAJU MD,SUNIROSE IP Conference Proceedings Proceedings of Global Socialwork Conference on multisectoral and interdisciplinary responses to health and well being Mental Health, Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence among working and non working women 9789387862470 2019
106 ANURADHA S,SOUMYA RR,ANEESH KR, SAJU MD, SUNIROSE IP Conference Proceedings Proceedings of Global Socialwork Conference on multisectoral and interdisciplinary responses to health and well being Women- Workplace Mental Health 9789387862470 2019
107 AISWARYA V R,SOUMYA MOHAN C Conference Proceedings Applied Psychology 978-93-87374-99-7 2019
108 ANITA RAO MYSORE (2827) Reference book Culture, Community, and Educational Success: Reimagining the Invisible Knapsack From Mysore to Razorback Land 978-1-4985-5772-6 2018
109 ANEESH KUMAR P,TONY SAM GEORGE,SUDHESH N T Reference book Character Strength Development: Perspectives from Positive Psychology Character Strength Development: Perspectives from Positive Psychology 9789352807772 2018
110 ANEESH KUMAR P,JESSLINE WILLIAMS ,TONY SAM GEORGE,SUDHESH N T Reference book Character Strength Development: Perspectives from Positive Psychology From Deficit to a Strength Model: Character Strength Interventions for Children with Disabilities 9789352807772 2018
111 SUDHESH N T,ANEESH KUMAR P,TONY SAM GEORGE Reference book Character Strength Development: Perspectives from Positive Psychology Character Strength Development: Perspectives from Positive Psychology 9789352807772 2018
112 VIJAYA R ,VIJAYALAYA SRINIVAS T,LIJO THOMAS,HITANKSHI M TRIVEDI,ANEESH KUMAR P,TONY SAM GEORGE,SUDHESH N T Reference book Character Strength Development Scope for Character Strength Development in Organizations 978-93-528-0777-2 (HB) 2018
113 PADMAKUMARI P,DOLLY JOSE,ANEESH KUMAR P,TONY SAM GEORGE,SUDHESH N T Reference book Character Strength Development: Perspectives from Positive Psychology Character Strength Development: Does Family Matter? 9789352807772 2018
114 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Text book Enrichment Programme for School Counselors-Training Manual Cognitive Strategies For Counseling- Demonstration and Practice Simulating Situation 2018
115 BAIJU GOPAL,TISSY MARIAM THOMAS ,T SASIDHARAN,G MISHRA Reference book Psychosocial Interventions for Health and Well-Being Towards a Culturally-Informed Counselling and Psychotherapy 978-81-322-3782-2 2018
116 DIVYA DOSAYA,TANU SHUKLA,VIRENDRA SINGH NIRBAN,ALEXANDRA I. CRISTEA Conference Proceedings ICIEI '18: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information and Education Innovations Experience and Qualifications: A Study on Attributes of Teacher Professionalism 978-1-4503-6440-9 2018
117 SANTHOSH K R,RUOPFUVINUO PIENYU,ANEESH KUMAR P,TONY SAM GEORGE,SUDHESH N T Reference book Character Strength Development: Perspectives from Positive Psychology If the character is lost! Strength and value based solutions to maintain the character of the victimized 978-93-528-0777-2 (HB) 2018
118 ANITA RAO MYSORE (2827) Reference book Teacher Training and Professional Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications Technology integration models for digital equity 978-152255632-9, 1522556311 2018
119 VIJAYA R ,VIJAYALAYA SRINIVAS T,MANJULA.M.Y,SHEFALI.S.KONAJE Text book Psychology:Existing Trends and Emerging Fields Organizational Cognition: An Overview 978-93-81195-96-3 2018
120 SANTHOSH K R,GNANAPRAKASH C Reference book Transforming Psychology Organizational support, self-leadership and innovative work behaviour 978-1985783072 2018
121 SANTHOSH K R,APARNA RAMASWAMY Reference book Transforming Psychology Soccer Fan Behaviour in India 978-1985783072 2018
122 SUDHESH N T,ARUSHI,MANJULA M.Y AND SHEFALI S KONAJE Reference book PSYCHOLOGY - Existing trends and Emerging Fields Educational Psychology - Career Prospectus and Challenges 978-93-81195-96-3 2018
123 ANEESH KUMAR P,BHAGYALAKSHMI KC,JENNIFER M FOSTER Reference book Social, Psychological, and Forensic Perspectives on Sexual Abuse Child Sexual Abuse: Evaluating the School Based Prevention Programs in India ISBN13: 9781522539582; ISBN10: 1522539581; EISBN13 2018
124 AISWARYA V R (2999) Conference Proceedings Vinayam (International Kerala Studies) "Influence of parental attachment on Children's coping strategies" 978-81-87590-25-4 2018
125 SANTHOSH K R,JASEEM KOORANKOT,FATHIMA SHABNAM,SIDRA ABDUL LATHEEEF Conference Proceedings Time Effective Psychosocial Interventions in Mental Health Different Types of Questions in Psychotherapy 978-81-936027-0-6 2017
126 SANTHOSH K R,VINISH U SATHIANATHAN Conference Proceedings Time Effective Psychosocial Interventions in Mental Health Role of Reinforcements in Gamification 978-81-936027-0-6 2017
127 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book Stress Management for Professional Neuro-Biological Perspectives of Stress 2017
128 VIJU P D Conference Proceedings Local Spiritualities and Everydayness: Promoting Religious Conversation in Christian Higher Education Moving Beyond Secular Zone: Spiritual Conversation for Holistic Development in Higher Education 978-602-6980-42-7 2017
129 VIJU P D ,SHAJI GEORGE KOCHUTHARA,VIJU P. DEVASSY,TOMY THOMAS KATTAMPALLY Reference book Human Formation in Major Seminaries Introduction 978-93-84964-85-6 2017
130 VIJU P D ,SHAJI GEORGE KOCHUTHARA,VIJU P. DEVASSY,TOMY THOMAS KATTAMPALLY Reference book Human Formation in Major Seminaries Human Formation in Major Seminaries 978-93-84964-85-6 2017
131 VIJU P D ,VIJU P. DEVASSY,WILSON CHAKKYATH,SHAJI GEORGE KOCHUTHARA,TOMY THOMAS KATTAMPALLY Reference book Human Formation in Major Seminaries Attachment Patterns and Relationship Dynamics Leading to Subjective Well-being among the Seminarians 978-93-84964-85-6 2017
132 VIJU P D Conference Proceedings Exploring the Relationship of Religion, Culture, and Peace in Christian Higher Education Sailing through the Turbulent Tides: The Role of Christian Educators in Building Peace 2017
133 ELIZABETH THOMAS,TONY SAM GEORGE,JOHN C CAREY,BELINDA HARRIS,SANG MIN LEE,OYAZIWO ALUEDE Reference book International Handbook for Policy Research on School-Based Counseling Public Policy, Policy Research, and School Counseling in India 978-3-319-58177-4 2017
134 SANTHOSH KAREEPADATH RAJAN Conference Proceedings Influence of Neo-Freudian Theories in 20th Century Literature An Approach to Psychological Literary Criticism by means of Frommian Humanistic Psychoanalysis 978-8-18581-253-3 2017
135 ANEESH KUMAR P,SIBNATH DEB,SHIKHA DIXIT,ARUN KUMAR SHARMA Reference book Psycho-Social Aspects of Health and Illness Health and Illness Concerns of Children in India: Issues and Challenges 9789351252764 2017
136 BAIJU GOPAL,VARGHESE KJ Reference book Religious Conversion and Identity Transformation:Narratives of Conversion Experiences Religious Conversion and Identity Transformation:Narratives of Conversion Experiences 2017
137 TISSY MARIAM THOMAS Reference book Pennira "Editor of the book which is initially published in 2011. Due to its popularity, readability and relevance on the context of Kerala, it has been selected to reprint." ISBN-13: 978 81 264 3058 2016
138 ANURADHA S Reference book Need, Challenges and Interventions in Children whose Parents are Diagnosed with Schizophrenia NIL 2016
139 ANITA RAO MYSORE (2827) Reference book Handbook of Research on Promoting Cross-Cultural Competence and Social Justice in Teacher Education Teacher Education and Digital Equity: Research in the Millennium 9781522508977 2016
140 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book Experiential Applied Psychology Impact of type of family on the emotional and spiritual intelligence of early adolescents 978-81-8220-708-0 2016
141 SANTHOSH K R Reference book Handbook of Research on Diagnosing, Treating, and Managing Intellectual Disabilities Stress and Resilience in Parents of Intellectually Disabled Children 13: 978-1-522-50089-6 2016
142 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Conference Proceedings SASCV 2016 Conference Proceedings Frontal Lobe Dysfunction in Violent and Criminal Behaviour 978-81-906687-9-8 2016
143 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Conference Proceedings SASCV 2016 Conference Proceedings Psychosocial Factors influencing Criminal Behavior among Adults in the Indian context 978-81-906687-9-8 2016
144 VIJU P D Reference book Catholic Higher Education in India: Rethinking Purpose and Context That They May Have Life and Have it Abundantly: Spiritual Mentoring for Metanoia in Catholic Higher Education 978-93-82305-94-1 2016
145 JOGDAND YASHPAL ASHOKRAO Reference book The Social Psychology of Everyday Politics Identity, Emotion and Mobilisation 9781138814455 2016
146 ANEESH KUMAR P Reference book Spirituality and Human Psyche Children's Perceptions of Death and Dying: Role of Indian Culture, Religion and Spirituality ISBN: 1482867591 ISBN-13: 9781482867596 2016
147 ANURADHA S,DYUTI 2015,PADMAKUMARI P,NISHAL PINTO Conference Proceedings Proceedings of International Symposium on Evidence in Global Mental Health Effectiveness of Autogenic Training in Relapse Prevention and Enhancing the Quality of Life in Individual with Alcohol dependence ISBN 978-93-85477-05-8 2016
148 TISSY MARIAM THOMAS Reference book Penvazhi Penvazhi: Yathrakalude Kuripu 978-81-264-6554-5 2015
149 SREEHARI R ,JOSEPH THOMAS AND A RADHA KRISHNAN,BOOK Text book Life Skills Education (Malayalam) Life Skills Education 9788176389228 2015
150 ANEESH KUMAR P Reference book HIV/AIDS in India: A Public Health Approach on Contemporary Trends HIV/AIDS and Children 978-81-8220-688-5 2015
151 ANEESH KUMAR P Reference book Positive Psychology: Applications in Work, Health and Well-being Stress and Resilience Capacity of Students: A Burning Public Health Issue 978-93-325-4131-3 2015
152 JOGDAND YASHPAL ASHOKRAO Reference book Political (dis)engagement: The changing nature of the 'political' Political participation is self-interest...But not in the way you might think 9781447317012 2015
153 MYTHRI RAJESWARA BABU,APURVA KUMAR JOSHI,MUCHUKUNTE MUKUNDA SRINIVAS BHARATH,RONALD ROSS WATSON,VICTOR R. PREEDY Reference book Bioactive Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements in Neurological and Brain Disease Nutraceuticals and Other Natural Products in Parkinson's Disease Therapy: Focus on Clinical Applications 9780124114623 2015
154 SREEHARI R ,BOOK,VRITI VASUDEVAN,SHUBASHREE,JOSEPH THOMAS Text book Do Organizational Stress really matters in Career Satisfaction? Do Organizational Stress really matters in Career Satisfaction? 978-3954893492 2015
155 SARAH GHANI,DR. ALOK SARIN,DR. SANJEEV JAIN,URVASHI BUTALIA Reference book Partition: The Long Shadow Bad Times and Sad Moods ISBN-10:9383074779 2015
156 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book Students Mental Health Parenting Style and Levels of Optimism 978-81-8370-341-3 2014
157 SANTHOSH K R Reference book Reaching Our Voices: Psychology of Women Effect of Psychosocial Intervention in the Management of Menopausal Complications 978-3-659-54001-1 2014
158 MADHAVI RANGASWAMY,BERNICE PORJESZ Reference book Handbook of Clinical Neurology (Volume 125) Understanding alcohol use disorders with neuroelectrophysiology 978-0-444-62619-6 2014
159 TONY SAM GEORGE Text book Being Open to Others: ACISE XXV Colloquium Proceedings Fostering An Inclusive Culture Of Openness Through Academic And Community Engagement 1898749116, 9781898749110 2014
160 YUVARAJ S,SHRUTHI G,VAARUNI SUNDAR,S. THENMOZHI,S. SASIKALA Conference Proceedings Research Studies in "Child and Women Mental Health" Marital Satisfaction, Shared Leisure Activities and Well-Being among Women. 978-93-81992-21-0 2014
161 YUVARAJ S,PRARTHANA JAYANTH,A. RADHAKRISHNAN NAIR,R.J. SOLOMON,S. KUMARAVEL,SHREELETHA SOLOMON Conference Proceedings 5th International Conference on Life Skills Education "Life Skills and Maximizing Potentials of Youth" The Effect of Psychological Intervention on Self-Esteem and Optimism among Smokers 978-93-83842-13-1 2014
162 TISSY MARIAM THOMAS The clan culture of hijras: Gender identity and status of hijras in gharanas in Bangalore 978-93-82305-21-7 2013
163 ANITA RAO MYSORE (2827) Reference book Cross-Cultural Considerations in the Education of Young Immigrant Learners Multicultural Curricular Frameworks for Preservice Teachers 9781466649286 2013
164 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book Mentoring Manual-Second Edition Manual 2013
165 SUDHESH N T,DR.BABY SHARI PA,DR.M.D.ALLEN SELVAKUMAR Reference book Child Rights in the New Era. Violation of Child Rights: An Exploratory Study in the Educational Scenario ISBN: 9788171327027 2013
166 SURESH BABU ARE Reference book Trends and Challenges in Global Business Management Occupational Stress, Mental health and Coping among Junior and Senior Sales Executives 978-93-82338-84-0 2013
167 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book Mental Health Psycho social aspects of Psychogenic Epileptic Seizures 978-81-8220-582-6 2013
168 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book Mental Health : Risks and Resources Quality of Life among Alcohol-dependents 978-81-8220-582-6 2013
169 SURESH BABU ARE Reference book Emerging Research Paradigms in Social Sciences Impact of Sales Executive's Age on Job Performance: A New Paradigm in India 978-93-82951-33-9 2013
170 JINI K GOPINATH Essentials of Psychiatric History and Mental Status Examination 2013
171 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book Stress and Well-Being in Adolescents The Effectiveness of Humor as an Intervention for Reducing depression 9789331317261 2013
172 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book Stress and Well-Being in Adolescents General Self-Efficacy and General Anxiety of Women Teachers 9789331317261 2013
173 YUVARAJ S Conference Proceedings 4th International Conference on Life Skills Education "Optimising Positive Strengths through Life Skills" Effect of Psychological Intervention on Self-Esteem and Assertiveness of Shy Students. 978-93-82062-80-6 2012
174 NISHAL PINTO Reference book SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY:COUNSELLING PERSPECTIVE Problems Faced by High School Students and Their Need for Guidance 81-87299-67-3 2012
175 MADHAVI RANGASWAMY,ANDREW C. CHEN,BERNICE PORJESZ,JOHN I. NURNBERGER, JR,WADE BERRETTINI Reference book Principles of Psychiatric Genetics Endophenotypes in psychiatric genetics 0521896495 2012
176 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book Life Skills for Quality of Life Quality of Life after Non-movable neurological illness: Psychological functioning and quality of life correlates 81-87299-60-6 2012
177 PADMAKUMARI P Reference book Child and Adolescent Psychology Gender study of attachment styles in late adolescents and its relationship witheir self concept 9789350672365 2012
178 SUREKHA C Text book Effect Of Music On Work Productivity 9783848484515 2012
179 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book Child and adolescent psychology : challenges and Issues. Quality of life in childhood epilepsy with lateralized epileptogenic foci. 978-93-5067-236-5 2012
180 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book Child and adolescent psychology : challenges and Issues Psycho Social and clinical characteristics of children with Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures 978-93-5067-236-5 2012
181 SUDHESH N T,DR.BABY SHARI PA,DR.PANCH RAMALINGAM Text book School Psychology : Counseling Perspectives Training Need Analysis of School Counsellors ISBN 81-87299-67-3 2012
182 MYTHRI RAJESWARA BABU,HARISH G,RAGHUNATH N,SRINIVAS BHARATH MM,DAVID I. FINKELSTEIN Reference book Towards New Therapies for Parkinson's Disease Therapeutic potential of polyphenols in Parkinson?s disease.? In: Parkinson's Disease 978-953-307-463-4 2011
183 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book Fundamentals of EEG Ref book 978-81-8465-970-2 2011
184 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book Art of Mentoring Manuel 978-81-8465-968-9 2011
185 TISSY MARIAM THOMAS Pennira ISBN-13: 978 81 264 3058 2011
186 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book International conference on psychology in mental health and well-being proceedings Book Mental health needs of elderly people in old age Homes in Bangalore. 978-81-8465-793-1 2011
187 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,KAMALA Reference book Mental Health and Wellbeing A comparative study of perceived stress and coping styles among smoking and non-smoking undergraduates in Bangalore 978-81-8465-793-1 2011
188 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,BINDHU SRINIVAS Reference book Mental Health and Well-being The effect of attention on critical flicker fusion. 978-81-8465-793-1 2011
189 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book International conference on psychology in mental health and well-being proceedings Book Mental health needs of elderly people in old age Homes in Bangalore. 978-81-8465-793-1 2011
190 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book Mental health and well-being Reference Book 978-93-5067-234-4 2011
191 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Conference Proceedings Child and Adolescent Psychology: Issues & Challenges. Conf Proceedings 978-93-5067-234-4 2011
192 SANTHOSH K R Text book Emergence of Resilience to the Stigma: Learning Disability Emergence of Resilience to the Stigma: Learning Disability 81-9219-836-7 2011
193 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book Psychophysiology Ref Book 978-93-5137-459-6 2010
194 JAYASANKARA REDDY K Reference book Biopsychology Ref book 978-93-5067-235-8 2010
195 BAIJU GOPAL Reference book Manassu, Prakrthi, Samooham (edited book) Bhranthinte shastravum bhranthalayavum keralathil (History of ?madness' and lunatic asylums in Kerala) 2008
196 TISSY MARIAM THOMAS Manassu, Prakrthi, Samooham (edited book) I don't want my child to be a teacher- a father 2008
197 VARGHESE K J The Effectiveness of Counselling on Adolescents in Relation to Psychological Stress, Self-Concept, Adjustment and Educational Aspirations 2008
198 JAYASANKARA REDDY K,KARISHMA RAJAN,ANJANA,B.UDAYA KUMAR REDDY Conference Proceedings Stress Safety Net for Organisational Excellence Student's Stress in Higher Education Institutions 2007
199 ANURADHA S,GANAPATHI Reference book Naangal Thannithu Illai - Mananoi Mattrum Nalam Kurithu Kudumbathinarkana Kaiyedu NA 2007
200 ANITA RAO MYSORE (2827) Reference book The Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture James Albert Banks (1941?) 2007
201 TONY SAM GEORGE Handbook of counseling and psychotehrapy in an international context COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY IN INDIA: PROFESSIONALISM AMIDST CHANGING TIMES 2013
202 ANKUR MADAN Creative Engagements with Children: International Perspectives Creative Education in India: Breaking Barriers ISBN: 978-1-84888-127-3 2012
203 SHEELA HEMALATHA JULIUS Reference book Health Psychology and Counselling Self esteem and self efficacy in dual earner couples In IT & Non IT Health Psychology 2009
204 TONY SAM GEORGE Reference book International Counselling Case Studies Handbook Counselling and Psychotherapy in India: Radha's story 978-1-55620-335-0 2015
205 VIJU P D Reference book Spiritual Insertion in Gangakshetra Bl. Chavara and New Evangelization 818995860-7 2012
206 VIJU P D Reference book Spiritual Insertion in Gangakshetra Higher Education: An Evangelizing Mission of the Church 818995860-7 2012
207 VIJU P D Reference book The Way of Life Mentor of Souls: In the Ministry of Spiritual Kinship: Spiritual Direction from Psycho-Spiritual Approach 978-93-81207-00-0 2011
208 VIJU P D Reference book Power of Positive Presence Reflections on Resonant Leadership 978-81-89958-9 2014
209 TONY SAM GEORGE Text book Building Bridges for Wellness in Counselling and Psychotherapy Parents and Adolescents: An intervention program 978-0-9812938-1-3 2010
210 VIJU P D Reference book Dialogue with Cultures: Implementing Values Education in the Multicultural Asia That All May be One: In need of Inter-religious Attitudes and Behaviours 978-602-6980-19-9 2016
211 TISSY MARIAM THOMAS Reference book Gender justice in the church and society Secondary survivors of rape: Appraising and attributing the causes 978-93-84964-41-2 2016
Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 Addressing #dei in the Global South's Higher Education Classroom

2 Mindful Mesmerisms Blog Posts

Psychology and Mental Health
3 Choosing problems: A sustainable development approach to career guidance in India

Career guidance
4 Career information literacies: Critical perspectives

Career education
5 Sapient Leadership for Educators

6 Troublemaking in careers education

Career education
7 Is Science broken?

Science and research
8 Solution Focused Mindful Disciplining

Training Workshop held at ITCBP-2017
9 Introducing Pratixas

10 Cognitive Neuroscience Study Group

Neuro Psychology
11 Positive Psychologist

12 The C Factor in Psychology

13 An overview on nature and scope of Political Psychology

14 Lens to Psychology

15 Neuropsychologist

16 Manam

Psychology and Philosophy
17 Divergence is not always positively reinforced!

18 http://www.virtualother.blogspot.in/

psychology 2009 (started )
19 Literary Critic's Notes

20 Story Board

21 Cognition & Neuropsychological Study (CNS)Group

Cognition & Neuropsychology October, 2015


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